View Full Version : So worried! Can someone offer reassurance?

06-06-17, 18:26
So I've just found out my father's had to have an MRI scan due to pain and numbness in his back, which he still hasn't had the results back from... I know it's most likely something that's easily treated, but I'm still feeling sick with worry and assuming the worst case scenario! Has anyone else had similar experiences?

06-06-17, 22:17
The most common result will be damage to spinal discs/arthritis etc. I have had about 17 mri scans on my spine over past 20 years due to prolapsed spinal discs.
The longer the wait for the results the better as less serious result scans are not at the top of the list for reporting.
My husband had lumbar mri scan and waited 4 weeks for results and his GP said the above. Yes he has got alot of damage to his spine due to age and wear and tear but nothing needing immediate treatment.
Whereas when I had lumbar mri ( was wheelchair bound at time) I got my results in less than a week and I had severely prolapsed disc.