View Full Version : Low potassium

06-06-17, 19:51
So my friends sister (she was 17) passed away a few years ago because of heart faliure, I never asked any questions because of my health anxiety but today I found out it was because she had low potassium levels and I'm freaking out! I stupidly googled the symptoms and everything it says I basically have. I'm trying to just tell myself all my symptoms are anxiety but it's really hard when I feel so ill all the time.

Does anyone have low potassium or no anything about it?

06-06-17, 22:10
Very very low potassium can cause heart arythmias leading to cardiac arrest but this is unbelievably rare and usually due to some other underlying serious illness.

I had always had bordeline below normal potassium levels on blood test . 2 years ago I changed my diet for weight loss and started eating beetroot and watercress daily and 6 months later my next potassium blood test showed my level was bang middle of normal for first time so the diet change improved my levels.

A simple kidney function test will tell you your potassium level so maybe ask for this to put your mind at rest. In the meantime keep eating the bananas/ beetroot and watercress:D

07-06-17, 14:55
I had a blood test for thyroid and iron levels, would it show up if I had low potassium in them?

07-06-17, 16:17
It's a standard blood test so probably depending on what actual tests they ordered