View Full Version : Moving out PANIC!

07-06-17, 17:18

I am turning 27 next month and still live at home with my mum and dad (i've never moved out and enjoy living with them). I get extremely anxious (sometimes to the point where i am physically sick) if i have to stay the night away from home (holidays are a nightmare for me). I really feel very happy and comfortable at home and with my lifestyle however i realise that at 27 i can't live at home for the rest of my life (if i could i happily would). I am at an age where a lot of my friends are moving on with their lives (buying houses, getting married, having kids) and i would like these things too. Recently me and my boyfriend started to discuss buying our first home together and have even spoken to a mortgage adviser and been to view a few houses. We saw a home we both liked (i feel my boyfriend likes it more than i do but i do still really like it and keep compairing other houses to it. The houses i really like though are all way out of our budget) and we got our adviser to put a note of interest down for us. Suddenly everything is moving super quickly and I'm feeling very overwhelmed and panicy! What started out as "looking into it" 2 weeks ago has suddenly developed into potentially putting an offer down by the end of this week!

I'm not sure i am ready for this! I thought the whole process would be much slower so i had time to mull things over. I'm not sure i'm ready to move out or if i ever will be ready! I could put it off for another 6 months or even a couple of years but i still might not feel ready (i have been planning this for a year so have had time to prepare). We have only viewed 3 houses and this was the first one we saw and i worry we are rushing into it. What if we buy it and a better house then comes up? But then what if we let this one pass us by and nothing else in our price range comes up that we like and we regret it? I'm also concerned that although it is within our budget it is at the top end of our budget but then there isn't much else available that we like in our budget available this now.

Any tips or advice would be appreciated right now as i feel sick at the thought of it all. Right now I just want to stay a big kid forever and stay at home the rest of my life cos it's safe and comfortable but i might regret that decision later in life (especially as it will probably affect my relationship). I just want to cry and remain a child because growing up and being a proper adult is scary. HELP!

11-06-17, 02:43
I find it funny how, when we were kids, we wished we could grow up faster. Yet, we wished for the opposite when we become adults. Being an adult isn't easy and these are some of the bigger decisions we have to face. There's nothing wrong with wishing to be a child and be scared of these decisions. The uncertainty of the future terrifies many of us so you are reacting naturally here.

Now, I would suggest going with the decision you'll have fewer regrets. The worst thing to do in life is thinking the 'what ifs' since that means we cannot escape our past. Go with the decision your gut is telling you to do. Don't look at what other people like your friends have done. They have their own lives and you have your own. Since this decision isn't just affecting you, maybe try to communicate with your boyfriend more. Talk about your worries and see if you two can agree on something.

Good luck with your decision making since this is definitely a big change in life! Regardless of what choice you pick, always believe that a brighter future waits for you. Keep moving forward! :)