View Full Version : so tired of this little clear bubble in my mouth whenever I eat

07-06-17, 19:00
hi all,
as if I don't have any other health scares right now (i just had my breast surgery follow up and it was all fine, now waiting for heart ultrasound, liver blood test), i keep on having this little clear bubble in my mouth swell up whenever i eat, especially with hot or spicy food. When I'm down and anxious, it swell up at every meal. When i'm not, it doesn't come up that much, intermittently not every meal. I think it's a saliva opening that get damaged and saliva pour into it when i eat so it swell up. i actually went to an ENT doctor last month and he explained exactly the same. He's also specialist in saliva gland area. He told me just avoid eating foods that make it reactive. No medicine and nothing was offered (but come back if it bothers me or doesn't get better). I then just had my annual oral cancer checkup at the dentist this morning. I didn't mention this bubble thing to her because I forgot. she didn't see anything wrong in my mouth though.

Anyway somehow after breakfast, i took a look into the mirror and there it swell up again, and will probably go down in 1-2hrs and everything looks normal again.

I'm so tired of all the medical things that I have to deal with in the past month or so, I don't want to follow up with this one again. However, in the back of my mind i'm still worried although 2 professionals have assured me that my mouth look normal. Would they spot something sinister if this thing is serious? I will probably follow up with the ENT again in a month or so. I hope that i don't have to do the surgery and remove the small area (like a circular pin dot filled with saliva) again. I had surgeries done 2 years in a row for 2 different areas behaving like this. I think it's my body responding and warning me not to freak out about every single little thing. But i can't help it. By the way, I never touch alcohol or smoke. OC is very rare right? i hope.

Sorry for the long rant. I'm just tired with my unrest mind/thoughts