View Full Version : Diagnosed with SVT in the emergency room

07-06-17, 19:08
I was diagnosed yesterday with svt in the emergency department. I am due to see the cardiologist tmw. To be honest I'm completely depressed. I can break out into tears at any given moment. I'm only 25 and I can't believe this is my reality. I dont know what to think or say. But all I want to do is lay in bed and cry my eyes out

07-06-17, 19:09
just want to give you a hug. You will get through it.

07-06-17, 22:14
SVT is not life threatening, and can be cured with minor procedures. At most, it's incredibly uncomfortable. Most doctors will suggest abalation therapy or just learning to live with it.

You should consider yourself lucky that SVT is all that's wrong.

08-06-17, 00:53
Perhaps they will give you a beta blocker to help?

08-06-17, 04:43
SVT isn't dangerous. They will monitor you to figure out what is causing your SVT. They will do it with a stick on heart monitor.

I too have SVT. I had an implantable heart recorder placed last week! It will stay in my skin for 3 years. If you need to talk send me a message. I've BTDT with heart stuff

08-06-17, 14:50
Not to discredit what you guys are saying. But it is something still very scary to experience. I'm trying to be positive because I haven't been diagnosed by a cardiologist. And heart anxiety has always been a worry for me. So it's like I'm living out my worst fear.

08-06-17, 16:55
Not to discredit what you guys are saying. But it is something still very scary to experience. I'm trying to be positive because I haven't been diagnosed by a cardiologist. And heart anxiety has always been a worry for me. So it's like I'm living out my worst fear.

I do suffer from it. Yes it's scary the first few times but you do get used to it. Even if you have SVT it's not anything that will kill you. They'll put you on medication and look at your diet too (because things like more caffeine than usual can cause SVT)

I live in an eternal state of tachycardia because I have a condition called POTS.

08-06-17, 19:02
I'm so sorry, just want to send you a big online hug. My anxieties all stem from my heart too, so I can't even imagine what's it like being told something is off. However, take comfort in knowing that many folks live with SVT and can manage it. Do you have a good support system around you? Family? Friends? A hobby to keep your mind off things?

08-06-17, 22:07
So I had my cardiologist appointment and he didn't seem in the least bit concerned that this would happen again. In fact he said he doesn't think this will happen again. So that gives me peace. In two weeks we will do a full cardio workup, he said he doesn't feel like he will find anything but for peace of mind we will do it. And he sent me on my way. That made me feel sooo much better. He did say my anxiety concerns him. My heart rate was 130 in the office and he made sure to do an ekg and listen to my heart rate. And he could totally tell it was anxiety that was causing my heart to race. So I guess I need to look into coping with my health anxiety a little better