View Full Version : Constant butterfly feeling in stomach (Need help!)

08-06-17, 01:02
This is driving me mad, I have this constant butterfly feeling in my stomach. Makes me want to run up the walls. I'm scared i'm like hypomanic or something (never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder).

Has anyone ever got this before? I'm not on any medication. Can't eat. Can't sleep.

08-06-17, 06:57
Try to do some deep breathing. In for four hold for three out for seven.

I had almost the same feeling and it drove me nuts for almost a year. I had bloating in my upper abdomen and would feel lumps in that area of my stomach. I went to four doctors and they all said it is ibs from my anxiety. It took me two years to accept it.

When I finally did it began to dissipate. I can still feel it every once and awhile but it's def gotten better.

See your GP and explain all your worries and symptoms. They will help. And if you feel like you need another opinion ask for a second doctor.

08-06-17, 08:49
Hi there

That's good advice from the previous poster

I know exactly what you're talking about but you won't have it forever. Claire Weekes calls it the "churning stomach" and its the most common anxiety symptom.

Listen to Claire Weekes talks on this link for comfort and inspiration



08-06-17, 18:37
I have this too, but I just chalk it up to the HA. When my HA is peaking, I don't sleep or eat either. Try not to overthink it too much. And always talk to your GP if you feel like its more than just the anxiety. They can reassure you much more than any of us can!

09-06-17, 18:53
Like many others have said on this post. I had the exact same thing! It was all from anxiety! I had the same exact feelings about it as you. I couldn't relax at all. Eventually, when I convinced myself it was just a symptom of anxiety, it went away :) Funny how that works. I'd expect the same of you! If it continues for more than a couple weeks, though, you should check with a doctor just to make sure