View Full Version : Late night thinking not usually the best idea

08-06-17, 01:45
After reading alot of the posts on here I have realised I may have developed health anxiety due to the illness and death of my close auntie.
I have always had anxiety and learned to manage it as I knew my triggers I knew what thoughts to believe and so on. But over the last year and a half I've been lost in all the new thoughts, I've had no idea how to process them or understand the overwhelming questions brought up by death ie. My death and illness and of those around me.
My way of coping for years with anxiety was by telling myself the thoughts were the anxiety lying, how do I cope with this when the thoughts and fears came true how do I change my coping skills. Is this fear mixed with grief making everything seem worse to the point of thinking what is the point of living when all I'm doing is waiting to die. As a side note I was also hit by a car while I was crossing at a zebra crossing I was lucky to get away with bad bruising but in my mind that was also a near death thing. How do I stop looking at myself and everyone around me as people just waiting to die its taking over every waking thought but I can't tell myself it's a lie because it does happen. I'm very sorry for the morbidness of this but I hadn't realised just how low I had gotten and just need to know it will get better and I will find a way of coping with this new chapter of anxiety and panic.