View Full Version : You think I'd be happy!

08-06-17, 17:16
Well I've posted like 2 threads on here already, this will be my third! I'm not attention seeking I promise, I'm just a worrier haha.

So I said about going to A&E where the nurses did an ECG, blood tests, screening for teenage heart conditions e.g because I was having chest pain and the tests came back normal so they sent me home and told me to make a doctors appointment to discuss my anxiety!

I had a doctors appointment today and he diagnosed me with Costochondritis! I should be happy that it's nothing more serious however I don't believe him. He said he assures me it's nothing cardiac related and he promised me because he's seen my test results and due to family history and my age, lifestyle and that.

When he applied pressure to the point where the ribs meet the breastbone, it hurt however when I press it, it doesn't hurt which makes me think he was just doing to hard.

I just can't believe that it's Costochondritis I feel back to square one!

08-06-17, 17:49
I should be happy that it's nothing more serious however I don't believe him.

Why would you trust the opinion from a forum of strangers over that of a medical professional that actually examined you? :shrug: Did you discuss your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

08-06-17, 18:31
I agree with fish, maybe talk to your GP about your anxiety. The doctors have no reason to lie to you. In fact, their career depends on them doing quite the opposite! :)

09-06-17, 07:03
Well I've posted like 2 threads on here already, this will be my third! I'm not attention seeking I promise, I'm just a worrier haha.

So I said about going to A&E where the nurses did an ECG, blood tests, screening for teenage heart conditions e.g because I was having chest pain and the tests came back normal so they sent me home and told me to make a doctors appointment to discuss my anxiety!

I had a doctors appointment today and he diagnosed me with Costochondritis! I should be happy that it's nothing more serious however I don't believe him. He said he assures me it's nothing cardiac related and he promised me because he's seen my test results and due to family history and my age, lifestyle and that.

When he applied pressure to the point where the ribs meet the breastbone, it hurt however when I press it, it doesn't hurt which makes me think he was just doing to hard.

I just can't believe that it's Costochondritis I feel back to square one!
I have seen two doctors about a weird dull pain on the left flank of my body that moves to the rib area and around my left side. The first doctor did a CBC, stool analysis, x-ray, and a physical exam but found nothing wrong. I then went to a GI doctor who diagnosed my condition as Costochondritis. I should have felt relieved but till now, I wonder if they were both wrong and instead I have stomach cancer or something lethal. I know how you feel here when about thinking you'd be happy with a diagnosis of a non-lethal condition but there's that nagging voice saying, "what if the doctors are wrong"?