View Full Version : Major DVT scare..please help

09-06-17, 05:58
Hi, I've been having intense anxiety over this leg pain I've been having and I've made a previous post about it but it got no responses.
Basically, the back of my left leg around the back of the knee/lower thigh area hurts but only when I apply pressure to it (ie. while crouching, sitting on a bent leg). I've tried to look it up and everything of course and I'm convinced that I have DVT now.
My leg isn't swollen or red at all but I've read that DVT can also be present without those symptoms. Another thing is that my leg doesn't hurt at all unless it is bent and has pressure applied to it, making me think there's a mass in my leg like a blood clot or tumor that is causing this pain which just stresses me out even more.
I've been having this pain for the better part of a month now (that I've noticed) and, due to my health anxiety, I cannot bring myself to visit a doctor.
I don't know if this helps but I'm only 19 but I guess you can get DVT at any age..
I could really use some advice right about now because this health anxiety on top of my other OCD related worries is getting unbearable.

09-06-17, 11:39
This sounds like a muscle/tendon/ligament issue, not a dvt. A bakers cyst is common in that area as well. Have you tried light stretching?

09-06-17, 14:53
It can be a tendon or muscle issue like @heyitsmeyou said. I say this because I've had this before and I was so sure it was DVT. I had pain in both calves for 2 weeks. Mine hurt on their own too, even just laying down or sitting I would feel this sharp sting and I knew it had to be a clot. Eventually the pain went away, and later on I realized I had started doing the elliptical in my apartment a few weeks ago, and it probably was because of that (I've been out of shape for a while). Have you done anything different to your routine? Have you been bedridden? Long flights? These are all things that "could" trigger DVT but at your age it's extremely rare. If it is a tendon/muscle issues, those things can take weeks to heal, it won't go away in a few days.

10-06-17, 06:02
Bikers cyst caused the pain pressure you describe.

I've had it and like ^ they said it's common I had it. And TBH I also thought it was a blood clot. But nope just irritated nerves and muscles. Icing it and warm pad and ibuprofen is what I was told to do/take. It takes a while to heal since it's an area constantly used

10-06-17, 11:53
Hi just wanted to add to your replies.

Last week I had the exact same thing as you describe. I was super convinced it was dvt. But it wasn't. It was nestle related and after 5 days it was back to normal.

07-07-17, 08:23
It's been almost a month since I posted this, but I'm still experiencing this pain. It hasn't gotten any worse but it is such an odd pain, being that it ONLY hurts oh the posterior area of my knee (where, I hear, is a semi-common place for blood clots) and ONLY when there's pressure on it when bent as in crouching or sitting on my bent leg, etc.
I did stop worrying about it for a while since I still have no redness or swelling or heat in that leg at all as far as I can tell, but that nagging doubt that it is actually a blood clot is still in my mind.
Also, I get random pains in my legs at times like they are deeply sore and right now I have it on this particular legs. These aches usually only last for a few hours but still, my hypochondria latches onto pretty much anything.
To answer the question of if I've been immobile a lot lately- no, not bedridden or anything like that though I guess I don't move around as much as I probably should as of late. No long trip flights, either so I know logically that my chances of actually having a blood clot are low, but I can't seem to figure out what else this could be and going to the doctor is near impossible for me due to my anxiety.
Thank you all for the help.

13-07-17, 22:08
Things have gotten worse- its began to hurt when I fully extend my leg and/or walk sometimes. I'm getting really worried this is a blood clot but there's still no redness or heat or anything else

14-07-17, 01:01
At this point I think you should consider a visit to the doctor. I don't think it's a blood clot, it sounds like you pulled a muscle or have some non-serious physical issue going on. The problem is this has gotta be taking over your thoughts and you say it's been getting worse after a week. It's hard to tell if you think the pain worse than it was or that you mean you are having a harder time with anxiety be related to it. Either way the situation will not improve unless you have answers.

14-07-17, 01:19
If it's been going on for a while now it's time for a doc visit.
Sounds like muscle related.