View Full Version : When partners don't "get it"

09-06-17, 19:03
Does anybody else live with someone who they love dearly but who has NO concept of what anxiety is?
I just burst into tears on my husband because I am so scared of a weekend away with friends and he said "how can I comfort you? You're just going on holiday with friends"! And it made me feel far lonelier because it feels to me so pathetic as if I'm still a child on his first day of school being this scared of something so easy and regular. I sort of shut off from him then and hold it all in but then I feel we miss out of a bond of some sort...I don't know if that makes sense.

09-06-17, 20:58
He's just trying to help by the sound of it. You can't possible understand anxiety unless you've experienced it.

It's like trying to explain to somebody what avocado tastes like when they haven't eaten it. It's not very easy.

10-06-17, 13:08
That is so true Ankiejoe.

11-06-17, 05:41
Anxiety also has so many forms and sizes that even two people suffering anxiety couldn't know exactly how the other feels. Regardless of what happens, you shouldn't try to shut him out and hold it all in. It's a terrible feeling bottling all that negativity inside of you. Try your best communicating and eventually he'll understand that this is not simply you overreacting. Anxiety can hurt entire families so it's best avoiding that by tackling the problem early. I wish you luck!

11-06-17, 09:46
my wife never had a clue how to help me when i would fall to the floor with anxiety its that bad . i take 4 mg of lorazepam first thing in the morning , and olanzapine at night to sleep , now i have my own NHS mental health nurse that pops in while my wife just leaves me to it , she loves me to bits but she can do nothing for: a space cadet:shades: