View Full Version : Had a strange turn, feeling abit rattled by it..

09-06-17, 19:20
For the past year, my anxiety has been pretty bad.. through i think im starting to feel abit better theese days. But anyway.. when i arrived at work today, i was hit with a strong sense of deja vu from a poster i read on the wall, through later relised, this was a false memory.. but my mind went really confused.. so much so, upon looking at another work notice i couldnt read it.. i reconised the letters, but they seemed all jumbled up an i couldnt reconise the words.. this freaked me out.. but thankfully this odd turn was short lived, as after a short while i could start to read normally again..
Sorry if this seems daft, i never had anything like this happen to me before.. and i am still feeling abit stressed by it.
I hopeing its just a odd side effect from the deja vu i had, an nothing else :S

10-06-17, 02:26
It kind of sounds like panic to me. Surely you've heard of fight or flight....there's a third as well, called fright. It basically means you freeze and can't mentally focus/work while you are afraid.

Deja vu can really be unsettling sometimes, I can attest to that.