View Full Version : GERD advice.

09-06-17, 19:58
Hey guys,

Really struggling mentally at the moment with coping with my GERD (undiagnosed but I think it's clear). My symptoms are mainly a constant uncomfortable feeling in my lower esophagus and bloating (bloating drastically improved since cutting gluten).

I get breathless after eating due to reflux (I believe) and I'm already on 20mg omeprazole every morning. I don't want to be on a PPI because I know they cause lots of health issues including malabsorption.

I have a blood test on tuesday for Coeliac but I could really do with some support at the moment.

I'm quite tired a lot and concerned that I could have severe GERD/Barrett's Esophagus and I'm finding it really hard to cope with... worried it could be something worse anyway.

I've also dropped 1.1 within the last couple of months... I have had exam stress and also cut out ALL FIZZY drinks since Christmas. I was having at least 2 a day before then... not sure if the weight loss is normal.

Does anybody have some advice for remedies or anything with regards to gastric healing and gastric anxiety?

Thank you all <3

09-06-17, 20:25
You are eating less so of course you'll lose weight. Why don't you ask for a referral to a GI? An endoscopy will give you your answers and enable the Dr to put you on an appropriate treatment plan

10-06-17, 19:38
Read this book. On Amazon or Kindle. Why stomach acid is good for you. Ive been dealing with this for 8 months now gerd acid reflux etc gastritice at first. It can cause great anxiety and make gerd worse its like a vicious loop. Try bitters and probiotics first. Read book I am getting better worth a try PPI are garbage. They serve there purpose for some things but long term not so good. Best of luck J