View Full Version : Dental issues

09-06-17, 21:03
I have a tooth that has partially fallen out. I googled it and now have myself convinced I have an abscess and infection that are spreading and on the verge of getting sepsis.

I've called 111 and they told me to see a dentist within 5 working days.

However this has not helped and I'm convinced that I've missed an infection, no pain no swelling, and I'm awaiting sepsis to kick in. As I've read of people who have died from untreated tooth infections.

Why do I always have to use Dr. Google 😕

09-06-17, 21:16
Hi Thebiglad first up welcome aboard to NMP :) Dr Google is the main source of anxiety for people with HA who are convinced that they have serious condition that's going to kill them! My advice is see your dentist that have had years of experience in this field I can say 100% you aren't going to die but get it looked at before infection does set in :) Let us know what your dentists says Cheers

Gary A
09-06-17, 21:40
If you don't have any pain or swelling then you don't have an infection. If you don't have an infection then you won't get sepsis.

See your dentist for what will most likely be a routine repair to a tooth, but for goodness sake stop panicking over nothing.

09-06-17, 21:44
Welcome TheBigLad,

This is my area of expertise. Up until last month I had 4 wisdom teeth rotten below the gum line, and 2 teeth that needed fillings. For nearly 3 years I was in pain. I had about 6 infections in that time.

Trust me, you will not get sepsis. And if you had an infection you would most definitely know about it. It hurts like hell, you will have a fever, pain all over your face, behind the eyes, in your head.

Sepsis is very rare and it takes a long time of constant dental problems for infections to cause problems like that. Even then it's extremely rare. My old neighbour has rotten teeth and hasn't seen the dentist for 35 years. Go figure. I had 6 infections that were all treated with antibiotics. One infection I left for well over a month before I got it seen to.

I had them removed, and everything is much better. Just giving you a heads up that you'll be fine. I'm not saying it to make you feel better, I'm saying it because I know. My dentist would laugh at me when I'd ask him if my infection will turn into sepsis. He once responded with "I've never seen that happen in my practice".

Pop along to the dentist, let them sort it out. Honestly don't stress this.

If it was an infection trust me you would know about it. The pain is terrible.

09-06-17, 22:22
Even though I go to the dentist for an appointments, I had an infection in 2015 and had two sleepless nights before booking an appointment was given antibiotics to clear up the infection, in late 2016 again, was given another xray asked could I see the problem, was given antibiotics and root canal treatment.

I was in pain, struggled to eat, and sleep. I hate going to the dentist for checkups but know it important to go for appointments and any problems you get in between report to dentist.

Go to the dentist and get it sorted out,