View Full Version : So scared

09-06-17, 22:27
I have generalised anxiety disorder and always blow things out of proportion, etc.
I've never had any intrusive thoughts before but earlier I was sitting next to my wife and had the thought, "what would happen if I did something crazy, like attack her?".
I love her more than anything and would never harm her nor anybody else or anything.
The thought prompted dreadful anxiety - like I can feel adrenaline surging through my arms and chest in waves.
We were at my in-laws for dinner and it calmed down a bit but on the way home my anxiety started again and now I am shaking, too and I can feel the pulse in my head.
My wife really doesn't understand mental health problems much and has little sympathy, although she tries.
Now im terrified that a) this anxiety will never go away and b) that every time we are together I'm gonna have these awful thoughts.
I'm scared that I'm crazy and if I tell anyone what I thought, I'll be sectioned or something?

11-06-17, 06:00
Anxiety don't necessary go away but you can make it so they're nothing more than an inconvenience. It's when they affect your daily life that anxiety becomes a serious problem.

Now, getting these thoughts regarding your wife aren't healthy but they don't show you're crazy. There are more people facing anxiety than you think and, with the proper help, they could return to their normal lives. Seeking professional help is always an option. Of course, you can, before seeking these help, try to determine the root of your problems. I don't think these ideas just spring out from nowhere. Maybe you watched a certain video or movie and that gave you the idea. If you can find the root, it shouldn't be too hard to find the solution shortly after, though recovery don't happen overnight either.

Overall, you shouldn't be afraid that you're crazy. Anxiety affect many people but it's one of those things people tend to keep as a secret due to fearing judgement or shame. This doesn't mean you had to share with every friend and family member but even getting an opinion of a professional could do you good.

11-06-17, 09:37
anxiety can bring some terror thoughts to your mind . you wont act them out but they scare you to crap your pants , You need some anxiety med of some kind:shades:

11-06-17, 13:43
One of the mist frequent symptoms of anxiety in mothers is the fear that they might harm their child. Of course they never do. As brain dead said, anxiety produces all sorts of weird crap.