View Full Version : Worseing anxiety need to do something. Want to do something too?

10-06-17, 11:20
Hi, everyone hope you're well. Lately after a tough time I've felt my anxiety get worse and every time I've tried to get back to normal something has happened to knock me down. I was trying to get back into my writing and had to go into work. This just reinforces my negative thinking and behaviours.
I've had a week off with my boyfriend and noticed how my anxiety is still there. I know it won't go away but I need to manage it better. I know mindfulness helps me so I must fit that in.
But I downloaded an app yesterday called 'what's up' and it's suiting me as I can make a diary entry or a negative behaviour entry which suits me better than a standard diary. I have read so many books on anxiety and so many online resources, but it takes one thing to knock my down again.
So I thought I'd try again. I don't like being told what to do and timetables so I'm doing my own thing. I don't want to reread my books and stuff as sometimes I can't focus, like now I'm trying to remember what I want to say.

So to get to my point:
I'm using this app and printing out a worksheet. My goal for this week as often as I can is to notice my thinking, not to go about all day looking for thoughts but to notice negative thoughts and then label them.
I'll try to do my mindfulness and usual yoga. I also think it would help me to find little things I can do so that when I feel like I am stressed and everything is out of my control I can do this. I can only think of doing this one little thing right now, something small, my mind is hurried and unfocused so a little thing like this which I can do on the go (on my phone) and in the house on a worksheet is good.
Would anyone like to join me in this? Maybe you could do what I'm doing or find another little things you can do to feel better, a five minute mindfulness a day. And if anyone has any ideas themselves do share.
Every now and then I think I'd love to start a website, or continue the blog I started years ago, to help others with anxiety but I always feel how can I help others if I haven't helped myself?

11-06-17, 00:37
So to get to my point:
I'm using this app and printing out a worksheet. My goal for this week as often as I can is to notice my thinking, not to go about all day looking for thoughts but to notice negative thoughts and then label them.
I'll try to do my mindfulness and usual yoga. I also think it would help me to find little things I can do so that when I feel like I am stressed and everything is out of my control I can do this. I can only think of doing this one little thing right now, something small, my mind is hurried and unfocused so a little thing like this which I can do on the go (on my phone) and in the house on a worksheet is good.
Would anyone like to join me in this? Maybe you could do what I'm doing or find another little things you can do to feel better, a five minute mindfulness a day. And if anyone has any ideas themselves do share.
Every now and then I think I'd love to start a website, or continue the blog I started years ago, to help others with anxiety but I always feel how can I help others if I haven't helped myself?

Hi! I hope your weekend has been a good one. I know from experience how anxiety can overwhelm you without warning. No matter how much you learn from books, nothing can be greater than experiencing firsthand and learning from the experience.

I'd like to share what I'm doing or, rather, have been doing for awhile. I've been making videos of myself discussing my issues, either my thoughts on a specific topic or just what I'm feeling the day of the recording. Lately, I've decided to do a daily journal where I do exactly that but make sure I'm consistent. My goal is simply dig deep into my past to learn who I am. At one point in my life, I lost track of who I was and, as a result, I've been walking a path I don't belong to.

I don't think you should hesitate to make a website. Anxiety is a really complicated issue and even professionals couldn't help everyone. It's your intention and the fact that you give people a place to get help. That's what I wanted to do since I feel there are people who want to do more than just typing their issues. They want to speak out and vent their frustrations by having people to talk to.

I wish you best of luck with your plans. People have different ways to tackle it and we only know by actually trying them. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat. Sorry for the lengthy ramble. :)

11-06-17, 20:53
Hi! I hope your weekend has been a good one. I know from experience how anxiety can overwhelm you without warning. No matter how much you learn from books, nothing can be greater than experiencing firsthand and learning from the experience.

I'd like to share what I'm doing or, rather, have been doing for awhile. I've been making videos of myself discussing my issues, either my thoughts on a specific topic or just what I'm feeling the day of the recording. Lately, I've decided to do a daily journal where I do exactly that but make sure I'm consistent. My goal is simply dig deep into my past to learn who I am. At one point in my life, I lost track of who I was and, as a result, I've been walking a path I don't belong to.

I don't think you should hesitate to make a website. Anxiety is a really complicated issue and even professionals couldn't help everyone. It's your intention and the fact that you give people a place to get help. That's what I wanted to do since I feel there are people who want to do more than just typing their issues. They want to speak out and vent their frustrations by having people to talk to.

I wish you best of luck with your plans. People have different ways to tackle it and we only know by actually trying them. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat. Sorry for the lengthy ramble. :)

No need to apologise, I don't mind, I'm always apologising for long posts too :)
I understand what you mean about walking a path you don't belong to, I've always wanted to be a writer but my lack of confidence has always held me back and my anxiety always gets in the way. I'm not brave enough to do videos, few people who know me know about my anxiety and offline I don't feel right talking about it. It feels odd like I'm not talking about something that's real. That's the best way to explain it but I can talk on here. I'm ok today, I did some yoga and pilates yesterday. Still not sticking to mindfulness.

If I set myself a goal or something to do daily I get stressy that I have to do it and well, that's one of my problems thinking I have so much to do and no time to do it in. So I try not to be too strict. I can never keep to a diary but now and again not at all frequently I've written stuff down. Maybe it's something I could think about.

Best of luck to you and I hope you find the path, you're probably already on it you just can't see it yet. (That sounds so corny/cliched but I mean it in the nicest way. We might think we are not on the path but maybe we've just meandered and need to find our way back, or maybe all detours take the same route, it all depends on your belief in fate, sorry of I go rambling.)

Thanks for replying

12-06-17, 03:00
If doing something daily seems stressful and too strict, maybe just write something whenever you get anxious. It's nice to vent it out and look back to why the anxiety was coming back. We all know the saying know your enemy as you know yourself. Once you know your anxiety inside and out, you should be able to deal with it much easier. I hope you have a great day! :)

12-06-17, 03:16
What a great suggestion. We don't get many here, nice to meet you! I have tried a few other apps, Mind Bell, it makes a soft pleasant chime at random and when you hear it, you stop and focus on what you are thinking. There a lot of tips to battle anxiety. I have made friends here and one person and I use messenger, we help each other through our anxiety attacks. I'm looking at the app right now and it's exactly what my therapist tells me to do, challenge my thinking! Keep working on your anxiety it can be conquered!