View Full Version : Talking about my anxiety

10-06-17, 12:13
Im going through a bad patch due to a certain fear (a fear i faced many times, the last time was a few months ago and got over it, i wont say what fear due to triggers). The anxiety seems to be in a loop now going higher and lower, regardless if the fear is fully on my mind. Even when the anxiety calms down and im thinking about the fear and not worrying, the anxiety starts its loop and it starts again.

I just wish i had the mindset from when i was a kid, i still worried dont get me wrong but it wasnt obsessive back then, and i only worried when it was understandable to. But the reason i want my kidself mindset is due to this one time when i was 10/11 and i got appendicitis, and i remember not caring when i over heard i needed an operation (all i wanted to do was sleep since it was the middle of the night, but they wouldnt let me since they were checking on me etc).

I just wanna go back to it, cause i was so proud of that kid me looking back. I was slighty nervous before i went under, but all that night i wasnt scared at all (about what could happen etc, nothing like that crosed my mind). I remember when i was woken up from the slumber (they do it to see if everything is fine) and being annoyed cause i wanted to go back to sleep lol. I just wanna go back to that brave me again. Cause if i can go through that without fear, surely i can now?.

Sorry for the long rant, and thanks for reading.

10-06-17, 21:29
hi MrDanny, I dropped you private message, hope it helps!

11-06-17, 00:58
Hi MrDanny! We all had those moments where we wish we could go back to happier days. Time flows one way so we mustn't spent time dwelling on the past. Yes, you might be braver as a kid but you are capable of so much more now. Don't underestimate what you can accomplish now. Anxiety is part of life so tackle it head on.

You can seek professional help and find people to talk to. Discussing these issues can help tremendously since bottling all the negative thoughts and fear inside you doesn't help. This forum has been a great place and has so much to offer but, at the end of the day, we want a person to talk with. A person who will listen and won't judge you for your problems.

I hope your day is improving! There's always a brighter future waiting for all of us and only we can convince ourselves that it doesn't exist. PM me if you need someone to chat with. :)

11-06-17, 10:18
K12714 thanks for the reply i will check.

And yes Rick its true it is good to talk to people about it (it is what i did) and im feeling better now, the lack of sleep made things 100 times worse and now i feel better once i got it, but obviously i know it will be back but im just enjoying the peace for now.