View Full Version : light at the end of the tunnel??? maybe!

04-11-04, 09:24
Night before last i had a bad night again with my breathing and wheezing so i went to the docs yesturday! Had a long chat and basically they are saying its a catch 22 now with the panic attacks etc, they now tell me i have asthma hence the reason with problems with being able to contol my breathing, they have given me 2 inhalers which hopefully should help, im also on my meds properly now so hopefully i will start to feel better soon, Im also feeling insecure at the moment too and constantly find myself questioning to myself andy and our relationship i just feel like andy will do a runner cos of me not feeling well and down and these panic attacks i just feel like a walking distaster, bad relationships in the past dont help me or my upbringing and i just feel eveyrone will do a runner in the end and that relationships wont work out and always fall apart in the end anyway.

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

04-11-04, 10:32
sarah you are young, very pretty and you do have a strong mind and am sure you will beat this.i think you are going through a bad patch as we all do. when i was younger i was the same nothing seemed to work out for me. but now have a wife who is great and dont know how she puts up with me. 27 years on and we are stronger than ever and you will be the same one day. take care sarah and look up to yourself you are a nice persone and he would be stupid if he did leave you. take care Vernon

04-11-04, 11:09

im so sorry that uv got ashma! there are a few peeps here who have it (cant remember their names)

how u getting on hun?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

04-11-04, 13:15
hi Sarah-Jane,

It's normal for you to have doubts about your relationship, etc as you are in the early stages of recovery. I used to be the same but now realise that I was being silly!! I'm sure that you will start to feel better soon and everything will seem to go a lot more smoothly...

Sarah :D

04-11-04, 14:09
Hi Sarah-Jane

Like others have said, a lot of people feel insecure in relationships when trying to recover from depression and anxiety. I have a lot of anxiety caused by believing people will leave/reject me, and a lot of this stems from difficult relationships with my parents, and suffering rejection by my mum.

You are doing well, taking steps towards recovery.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-11-04, 18:38
Hi Hon

It is easy to let ourselves get drawn in to negative thoughts when we are feeling how you do, but you need to remind yourself that Andy has been here for you all the time and wants to marry you, that doesnt sound anything like the bad relationships you have had in the past.

Everyone now and then gets insecure, suppose it keeps us on our toes in a relationship. I am sure now you are on meds and have your inhalors that things will start to pick up. And dont forget in less that 2 months you have the happiest day of your life to look forward to. Enjoy the planning and push those unwanted doubt away.

Enjoy your hen night in blackpool also.

Love Sal xxxxx