View Full Version : Need guidance :( partner of boyfriend with anxiety

10-06-17, 13:02
Hi everyone . I'm the partner of someone who has suffered with anxiety for years.

I really need to know from you guys if what he feels is to do with anxiety.
We've been together for 6 years now, and I feel like our relationship is great mostly. We've been through a lot together and always loved and supported eachother through the ups and downs of life. If anything goes wrong then both count on eachother without a shadow of a doubt.
I know everything about him down to the smallest details and same with him. We have all the REAL stuff between us, the things that MEANS something in the long term of life. When we first met, we were head over heals and crazy about eachother.

My concern is, every now and then and a lot more now, he tells me he doesn't feel that 'spark' anymore, he doesn't feel 'excitment' he doesn't feel that buzz. And I explained that it's totally normal because as a relationship grows, you get that 'mature' love and the comfort. You get the real bond.
Any of his exes that he claims have had all that excitement with has never actually known anything about him! Like they didn't know him on a personal level.

I personally think this is due to his anxiety because he suffers from it really bad. And it's like, he wants everything in life to be sooo exciting and lively. Even his workplace, he can't stand it if it's quiet or the people are 'boring' and get on with it.

What do you guys think? Would appreciate any replies because I'm feeling really upset about this.

11-06-17, 06:14
I know some people who, due to suffering from anxiety, are searching for something to dull the pain. They become someone they're not or want fun and excitement to distract them. Assuming your partner is using excitement and liveliness to dull the pain, I wouldn't recommend it since he's essentially trying to cower from it. I see anxiety as a bully who will do more harm if you cower from it.

Overall, I feel better communication is needed. I know you have been with him for 6 years but I can tell you that, as someone who had suffer from anxiety, I have built many walls that separates my inner self and the outside world. It's not easy tearing down those walls since I'm doing that myself and it's challenging. Just try to talk it over and tell him how you feel about the situation. It's easy to assume your partner knows everything but, sometimes, he might miss the obvious signs of you being upset by what he said and do. This might not resolve overnight but, over time with perseverance, I'm sure you two can work it all out. Good luck!

11-06-17, 09:58
maybe his anxiety has taken a step further into depression, very rare you get away with anxiety alone for 6 years . if he has he will be hurting the 1 he loves just because your there and a easy target he may not mean it . But if he is the same has he has always been your relationship has took a dive:shades: