View Full Version : Can anxiety make you Unwell?

10-06-17, 21:29
So for the past week or two I've constant unrelenting anxiety. And I mean high anxiety to the point where it just felt like panic attack after panic attack. So today my anxiety has subsided somewhat and I feel relitavly calm. But now I just feel "meh" like I'm coming down with something. So my question is can anxiety make you feel unwell once you calm down? Or has anyone experienced it before?

10-06-17, 22:54
Yes that makes sense. Anxiety isn't just a mental thing. It causes hormones and adrenaline and cortisol to pump into our bodies. That's a lot of what makes us feel the physical symptoms that come with anxiety.
When that rush of hormones etc is gone, our bodies are tired and that could make you feel tired and sick.

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11-06-17, 00:12
Not only can anxiety have physical symptoms (aches and pains, fatigue, digestive problems, etc.), but prolonged or frequent stress can weaken or suppress your immune system, so you're more likely to catch a cold on top of feeling anxious.

It's also pretty common to feel run down after a period of panic - last time I went through an episode of severe anxiety, I crashed so hard afterwards I actually thought I was slowly dying. Tired, feverish, no appetite, muscle cramps, you name it. Once I'd stopped worrying for long enough to properly recover, I got better quite quickly.

11-06-17, 00:37
wow, yes. 8 months ago I started a bad fear. All winter I was sick. I rarely ever get sick, but this past winter I had a cough or sinus issue every week. I started having muscle pains, cramps, you name it off and on. I felt fatigued like I couldn't do anything for months. Anxiety can make you very unwell.

11-06-17, 01:25
Can vouch for this. After suffering from Health anxiety for just over a year now I do often feel fatigued at times. Not so much where I don't have energy to do anything but where I can't be bothered doing anything or doing not much tires me out more than you would usually think.

However this comes and goes with my general anxiety level at the time.

11-06-17, 02:40
Yes, I developed GERD due to anxiety's overproduction of stomach acid.

bin tenn
11-06-17, 03:54
Yes. When I've had an awful bout of anxiety and panic attacks, I feel terrible when I come down. I also usually become pretty sleepy.