View Full Version : if you have irregular heartbeat or afib read this

11-06-17, 03:46
I'm 26 years old and I had my first episode of afib at 24 due to vomiting, and then another one nearly 2 years later.

So the doctors decided that I didn't need any sort of medication or ablation since the episodes are so infrequent.

And since my doctors couldn't give me a straight answer as to why I get afib from vomiting, and all my heart tests turned out good, I started to do my own research, and that's when I came across a cardiologist who does YouTube videos and he covers many topics including Afib, his YouTube channel is York Cardiology.

For some people who get afib, after eating, sneezing, coughing, exercise, or any other form of activity that can stimulate the vagal nerve, is because of the vagal nerve is too sensitive, this nerve controls a lot of bodily functions one of them being digestive, and heart rhythm..

I highly recommend you guys watch his videos, it's a great place to find comfort because he thoroughly explains all kinds of arrhythmias and the risks that come with them.

11-06-17, 03:55
Thank you!

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bin tenn
11-06-17, 03:57
Yeah, the vagus nerve and its supposed connection to the heart is fairly well accepted now, it seems. Many people say the vagus nerve also triggers palpitations as well. I had an episode of afib last year after waking up with acid (GERD) pooled in my throat, and the horrendous coughing fit that followed it. My follow-up tests with the cardiologist also revealed no heart abnormalities. Cardiologist called it "lone afib", and apparently it's not that uncommon with GERD.

11-06-17, 04:16
I have watched him. He is great. On Tuesday I had an episode of SVT and was in the ER for it. I saw a cardiolost and he didn't seem to concerned about me having another episode. I watched his videos and they are prettt thorough and can definitely put ones mind at ease. But of course, I have healthy anxiety and his videos don't seem to be enough for me :(

11-06-17, 04:27
Yeah my doctor had svt 3 years ago, he had a ablation done and he said he hasn't had an episode since.

And yes gerd is definitely linked irregular rhythms and palpitations all together because when I have acid reflux my palpitations are much more frequent.

Also guys for those of you who has gerd and it causes palpitations look into hiatal hernias, I'm not saying that's what you have but it's worth looking into, theoretically repairing the hernia or treating it may reduce or even eliminate your irregular heart rhythms. I will be getting checked for a hernia after the 27th of this month.

bin tenn
11-06-17, 05:45
GERD also triggers more frequent palpitations for me. At least, I think they're palpitations. Some, if not all, of what I experience may also be esophageal spasms, too, due to the irritation from acid regurgitation. The heart and esophagus share many of the same pathways so it's often impossible to tell which one is causing pain/sensations based on feel alone.

11-06-17, 22:25

You can add him as a friend on Facebook too.

He's very helpful and lovely


12-06-17, 08:40
Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and experiences. I know it's hard to accept, but just remember, most heart arrhythmias never cause any harm, the most harm they cause is mentally. I've spent many years worrying, many nights I couldn't sleep, I lost friends, couldn't have a real relationship. If you are new to this, please see your doctor, and if your doctor says you're fine, just put it behind you, it's not worth worrying constantly, it'll take over your life.