View Full Version : Just needed to write something down...

09-05-07, 09:04
Hi All,

It's been a little while since I've last posted...trying to ignore all of my symptoms...but that's just not doing the trick.

I'm just plodding along as I have done now for the past year and a half with the constant dizziness and more recently a feeling of absolute exhaustion along with daily nausea. All of these things make me feel that there must be something wrong and that it can't all be in my mind caused by anxiety...so difficult to grasp an understanding of...

I'm seriously considering hypnotherapy although, in the past, when I didn't have anxiety, I would never have imagined receiving hypnotherapy but I'm at a stage now where I must try anything that might help. I just don't know what else to do and wish it wasn't so expensive! Still, the amount I've spent on hospital visits and examinations over the past year and a half is far more than hypnotherapy will cost.

I really just needed to write this down to get it off of my chest, I'm so frustrated and upset by this even more so than usual.

I find that I can't concentrate on things anymore and feel guilty about this when at work as I am just so tired all of the time and find my mind wandering constantly. I feel guilty, I guess.

It's so hard to discuss this with people who have never experienced it. For example, I'm sure when I say to people who do know that I have anxiety, that I feel constantly dizzy that they just think it's an occasional thing when it is constant and is disrupting my life no end. I find myself looking around or sitting with people who do not have these symptoms and feeling just so sad that I feel this way and wonder why I can't feel healthy again like them and like I used to.

I don't know where I'm going with this post...just wanted to write something down and find it hard to explain fully how I feel.

Anyway, I hope that we will all find our answer to cure this horrible thing.

Best wishes,

Sam x

09-05-07, 13:14

I am considering hypnotherapy too but before I spend a fortune on actual consultations, I have ordered a couple of cds from this website.

www.justbewell.com (http://www.justbewell.com)

It was recommended to me by several people. Have a look at the site and I will let you know how the cds go.

Take care

10-05-07, 05:20
Hi Jo,

Thanks so much for the info on the CD's...I shall take a look...

It's a pain isn't it, as if it wasn't so expensive, I wouldn't think twice about doing it!

Let me know how you go...I was thinking of starting my 3 sessions from Monday...but keep putting it off...I'll let you know when I do it and how it goes.

Take care,

Sam x

11-05-07, 09:57
Hi Sam, sorry if I'm asking something you've already covered in another post but have the tests you've had included a blood test for Vitamin B12? It's just that your symptoms sound quite a lot like pernicious anaemia.

If you've been tested for that and you're clear, I'd be inclined to look towards a physical answer to your anxiety rather than hypnotherapy as it seems to be the physical symptoms that are getting you down right now. A lot of people seem to find that a change in diet and learning correct breathing (e.g. at a yoga class or similar) helps with tiredness, nausea, lack of concentration and dizziness. Can't vouch for the breathing, but changing my diet definitely helped me when I was at my worst.

11-05-07, 13:25
I find myself looking around or sitting with people who do not have these symptoms and feeling just so sad that I feel this way and wonder why I can't feel healthy again like them and like I used to.

Hi Sam,

I just wanted to pick up on this part of your post and say that you are just assuming that these people don't have the same symptons and feelings as you. A lot of people you look at and you think, you're happy and healthy and have everything going for you and I wish I was like that, but how do you know that they are not thinking exactly the same thing about you?

One thing that keeps me going is that I try to remember not to just assume what other people are thinking or feeling. A lot of people over time learn to hide their feelings well and sometimes the more confident the person is the more they have to hide.

Try not to think that everyone just because they look happy/ healthy to you they are - some people just become experts at acting!!!

Lucy xx

13-05-07, 08:19
HI Sam, It took me 6 months to beat the dizziness, it can be beat.. I've since moved on to a new symtom which is almost as bad.. But the dizziness can be beat, keep ya head up and dont fear it

13-05-07, 17:37
Hello again,

Thanks to you all for your replies.

Hi Magpie...I've had almost every test under the sun but not one for a deficiency in vitamin B12...I will go and get that tested. The only thing is, I was already tested for anaemia back in October last year and came out clear...is pernicious anaemia different in that if they were looking for general anaemia it might not be picked up? Sorry if my asking sounds silly but just not sure if there is a difference.

I've just started a 'Feldenkrais' class to try and help with correct breathing... I've only had two lessons so far but they are focusing on my poor breathing habits and I can honestly say that after both sessions I was breathing more freely than I ever do normally. I now have to focus on applying that in everyday life...practice...early days yet.

Hi Lucy and thank you for your reply. What you've said about not assuming what other people are thinking or feeling makes complete sense. I do agree that I must focus my attention away from feeling like this. I do understand that others might feel bad for all sorts of reasons and don't show it, I actually don't think I portray how down I feel to other people either by body language or in a general meeting. Interesting point as probably thinking in this way makes me feel worse...I'll work on that so thanks again for pointing it out.

Hi Joey...nice to hear from you...I'm glad that you have beaten your dizziness and I'm sorry that you've now got another symptom...let me know if you want to chat about it sometime.

Thanks again everybody...it's nice to know that you're all here and I hope I can be there for you sometime if you need me.

Take care all,

Sam x