View Full Version : Pancreatic cancer worries

11-06-17, 10:10
Hi all, so whilst awaiting my appointment to have a mole check I find I have been graced with another problem (guess it's taking my mind off the mole)

So last week every morning I woke with tummy pain, high up and central like below my ribs. I had a lot of wind and tho releasing it didn't get rid of the pain I wasn't to bothered. Well Thursday i began having discomfort all day, like a dull gnawing ache spreading from my back to my front again high up above my belly button. It almost feels like the back ache pushes right through me to the front. The dull ache is constant. I am due on my period but not till Friday so was about 10 day till my period when it first started. I do have terrible periods but surely this is to high up to be period related?

I googled I know I shouldn't, and scared myself into thinking it's pancreatic cancer.

11-06-17, 13:30
When it comes to pain I would see a doctor. I wouldn't google either, cause it will just feed your fears.

12-06-17, 00:06
As a man I know absolutely nothing about periods, but such discomfort is common - I think - without it being the sign of the worst cancer known to mankind. I have had similar pain in the places you mention, fearing it may be pancreatic cancer.
One good advice is to stop googling as it will only make your fear worse; and DONT - I repeat DONT visit cancer forum. Many do that for reasurrance but end up with the oposite.
Many of the hypocondriacs posing questions there are wrongfully asuming that victims and their families/friends knows more about medicine than the doctors; but they dont. Maybe some think they do but not. You may get confirmation biases and stories of people suffering with stomach issues and that they found PC 20 years later. Reading cancer forums when you are scared can be exremely harmfull so dont do it.
Hovewe it is easier said than done. I should not talk as I am looking at those forums; but out of respect for the patients I am not posting anything there, just reading. And it has done me no good; thats for sure.

12-06-17, 14:33
As a man I know absolutely nothing about periods, but such discomfort is common - I think - without it being the sign of the worst cancer known to mankind. I have had similar pain in the places you mention, fearing it may be pancreatic cancer.
One good advice is to stop googling as it will only make your fear worse; and DONT - I repeat DONT visit cancer forum. Many do that for reasurrance but end up with the oposite.
Many of the hypocondriacs posing questions there are wrongfully asuming that victims and their families/friends knows more about medicine than the doctors; but they dont. Maybe some think they do but not. You may get confirmation biases and stories of people suffering with stomach issues and that they found PC 20 years later. Reading cancer forums when you are scared can be exremely harmfull so dont do it.
Hovewe it is easier said than done. I should not talk as I am looking at those forums; but out of respect for the patients I am not posting anything there, just reading. And it has done me no good; thats for sure.

Thank you! That sums up my experience with those forums nicely. :)

Not to mention it makes me feel like crap because those are real people with real problems and I feel like I'm rubbernecking an accident scene instead of being helpful. :(