View Full Version : Can't sleep scared going to die

11-06-17, 11:00
Is this anxeity last night I couldn't sleep and my heart was pounding and I was scared that I was going to die from lack of sleep. How do you beat insomnia.

11-06-17, 13:00
Meditate. I practice it most nights. Just concentrate on breathing and relaxing each set of muscles. I start with my feet and just relax, breathe, relax my legs. Just sink into your pillow, think of the soft bed. There is a lot of information on the net for different types of meditating. I also sleep with a fan on, the sound is soothing.

11-06-17, 14:07
Stay off all technology (phone,tablet,laptop etc) the artificial lighting from the screen will trick the brain into thinking its still day light making it harder to fall asleep instead light a soothing candle and read a book. Besides if it only happened last night and for 1 night its not classed as insomnia you may just be working yourself up with anxiety which doesnt allow your mind to switch off try to relax.