View Full Version : Lumps right above the back of my knee, scared!!

11-06-17, 11:51
I was scratching my right leg a couple days ago and randomly felt this pea sized lump on the back of my lower thigh right above the back of my knee. I quickly checked the other side but I cannot feel the same thing. I further felt around and found a 2nd lump in the same area. They move around pretty easily and are painless. Kinda soft but firm. I googled and bakers cyst came up but I dont think that's what this is. Help I'm scared it's sarcoma. :(

11-06-17, 12:33
Lumps are always scary and should definitely be checked, but they're very often benign. In addition to being cysts, they could also be lipomas. I know it's easier said than done, but try to think positively.

11-06-17, 12:54
Hi There's a pattern to these Ha threads 'I Dr Googled my symptoms' Bad move every time so try and dr google less and less. If you aren't sure about something get it looked at by a qualified dr in person :) And as Willa says they are often benign and not any worry a tall :) Cheers

11-06-17, 13:33
I know I shouldn't google but I was hoping I would read that other people had them too and it apart of the anatomy or something. I noticed I have similar lumps in my rib area which I found is just cartilage. I'm hoping it's the same thing, but if so, why can't I feel it in my other leg. :(

11-06-17, 14:10
[QUOTE=Leslie735;1685954]I know I shouldn't google but I was hoping I would read that other people had them too and it apart of the anatomy or something. I noticed I have similar lumps in my rib area which I found is just cartilage. I'm hoping it's the same thing, but if so, why can't I feel it in my other leg. :([/QUOTE The thing is we are all made differently yes e have 2 eyes,2 ears,2 nostrils etc but it doesn't mean cause you have one tiny lump on one leg your other leg will be the same it wont be..To put it in to prespective I have a lump on my right leg it's quite big over a 1" wide and quite raised off I went and had ultra sound done the radiographer was only slightly concerned about the results so I was sent for a MRI scan and that too came back perfectly normal as it was benign :) Like I say if you have any worries a tall go back to you dr for further investigation ok :) You will be fine! Cheers

11-06-17, 14:15
I had a lump about a cm in diameter in pretty much the same spot as you and I too noticed it while having an itch I left it for about a week untill I noticed it was slightly getting bigger and bigger so I went to the docs and he mentioned it could have been either a fatty lump (either a cyst or lipoma) or even an injury but I didn't hurt my leg at all. It stayed with me for about 2 months and than just dissapeared. If you are that concerned get it checked for that piece of mind otherwise it could send you down that anxiety spiral.

11-06-17, 15:35
I had a lump about a cm in diameter in pretty much the same spot as you and I too noticed it while having an itch I left it for about a week untill I noticed it was slightly getting bigger and bigger so I went to the docs and he mentioned it could have been either a fatty lump (either a cyst or lipoma) or even an injury but I didn't hurt my leg at all. It stayed with me for about 2 months and than just dissapeared. If you are that concerned get it checked for that piece of mind otherwise it could send you down that anxiety spiral.

I'm praying this goes away, too. I have a Dr appointment but it's not until September. :/

11-06-17, 15:38
I'm praying this goes away, too. I have a Dr appointment but it's not until September. :/:eek: that's a long way off, but don't be tempted to keep looking at or picking at it, both wont help you. And no more dr google as he has a lot to answer for! Take care cheers

11-06-17, 16:23
I found the same few months ago guys! I relaxed when I realized I have the same on both sides! I think these are just normal parts of body. I dont care about them and these are still the same since January :) Take care and dont worry!

11-06-17, 17:35
I found the same few months ago guys! I relaxed when I realized I have the same on both sides! I think these are just normal parts of body. I dont care about them and these are still the same since January :) Take care and dont worry!

Really? I can't find it on my other leg and that's what's freaking me out. I feel similar things but not the same exact.

11-06-17, 19:10
Yeah. On the beginning I was so scared, cause I felt this only under one knee. After few heavy hours of checking I realized I wasnt checking the other knee in the same way as my left. And yeah this happens when your not supposed to checking your body like that. So under my other knee lump is a bit smaller but the same in structure. It's all about perception but I want you to know that this fear took few days of my life reading about bakers cysts and fearing the worst. Dont worry, I've been there and I dont longer care about my knees.

11-06-17, 19:38
Yes, that is me right now, exactly. I read a lot about bakers cysts and it doesn't fit that description. I feel something similar on my right leg but it's not exactly the same.

Elizabeth Fry
11-06-17, 19:39
My husband had one of these I think it was bursitis and nothing to worry about.

02-07-17, 16:15
I'm bumping my thread because I found another one but this time in my left thigh. This one is bigger and doesn't move like the others. I'm fearing sarcoma. :( It's about an inch above the back of my knee in the thigh. Feels like a very firm mound about the size if 1/2 my thumb. Doesn't move much and firm. Totally painless.