View Full Version : skipped heart beat.. set

11-06-17, 20:47
I am sorry this is long, but if you could just read this and share your thoughts I would really appreciate it. I know it will take off some of the anxiety i am having.

So as I have previously posted I had what was my first episode of SVT on Tuesday.

Since then I am battling very strongly with anxiety, panic, and depression. I know this could very well be making my symptoms worse but I am now randomly experiencing a skipped heart beat that I feel in my throat. It only happens once..
I am also experiencing mild tachycardia, I would assume this is related to the generalized health anxiety that I have been having. I have meditated and prayed and that helps, but my worry is always in the back of my mind. I have tried to cut down on the googling and that has helped.. But the more I search the more I find and the more possible problems I see. I am now afraid that these skipped beats could cause ventricular tachycardia, or that the SVT could be an underlying event to something more serious. Prior to Tuesday I didn't have any heart worries except the odd palpitation here and there like most people.

I met with the cardiologist on Thursday for a consult.. he didn't seem too concerned about a repeat SVT occurring. He also said he is most certain that the structure of my heart is completely normal. And at that moment he didn't have any serious concerns. He gave me a beta blocker and was on the fence if I should take it or not. He said I am young, but he also said it would help with my anxiety and kind of put a cap on how high my heart rate could go. I am now finding myself considering taking this medication because I am absolutely desperate. I meet with him in a week and a half to have an echo and get a holter placed.

This is where my health anxiety is absolutely eating me alive, I have spent the last couple of days googling and googling beyond no end. I will literally sit on my phone and google and google till I end up on webpages that I have already read multiple times. I have watched youtube videos. Everything leads to SVT is not a life-threatening condition unless there is underlying heart disease and of course I was much older.. (i am 25) Most times it doesn't need to be treated unless it is severely impacting your day to day life. And it does not affect life expectancy. I now wonder if I told the cardiologist every symptom and problem I have had. Did he possibly miss something? Is this a precursor of something else? Will this SVT turn into AFIB? I have spent my hours monitoring my heart rate. I have a stethoscope and I will continuously listen to my heart beat. I am unable to be the best parent I can to my daughter because my anxiety and depression is eating me alive and I do not know how I will be able to cope if something is seriously wrong with me. I wonder if my heart is just going to give out on me. Prior to Tuesday I felt great as far as my mental health, I hadn't had any bouts of anxiety or depression in months. But sadly my life has taken a 180. I realize a lot of this has to do with my reaction to the current situation. I am trying to be strong but this is so so hard. I would rather lay in bed, curled up with a blanket because it feels safe to me and I know it will not evert myself.

I am sorry this is long.. I just need a someone to tell me everything is going to be alright.

11-06-17, 22:06
I met with the cardiologist on Thursday for a consult.. he didn't seem too concerned about a repeat SVT occurring. He also said he is most certain that the structure of my heart is completely normal. And at that moment he didn't have any serious concerns... I just need a someone to tell me everything is going to be alright.

A trained medical professional specializing in cardiac medicine believes all is well and is doing further tests to confirm his diagnosis. I think that's pretty good reassurance.

Positive thoughts