View Full Version : Had tooth extraction, worried about infection

12-06-17, 02:45
Three days ago (on Thursday) I had a tooth extraction. The first few hours after I had intense pain but since then the pain has thankfully been very low.
The first day I stayed in but on Friday night I went out and went to a park and was on the swings etc and "outside air" got into my mouth, I guess?

Anyway, today is Sunday and all day I've felt kind of "dizzy" or light headed. When I woke up my body hurt a little, especially my neck but I think it could be because I slept funny?

My "main fear" is meningitis or something related to that and I'm scared that I gave myself an infection and thus blood poisoning from going out on Friday.

My mouth pain is still low. I've been on pain meds pretty much non stop since Thursday (not over the recommended dose) so could THAT be the reason for my dizziness? I've tried to keep my mouth as clean as possible, although I was told to rinse with salt water after every meal, which I haven't done (I HAVE been rinsing, just not after every single time I've eaten.)

Also last night and tonight I had a little bit of alcohol. I didn't get drunk at all but I'm worried because I've mixed medicine and alcohol. Freaking out a bit :(

12-06-17, 08:16
All sounds normal to me.

I had 4 teeth out about a month ago. I had pain for a good week and a half. It was a real struggle to eat.

Nothing you mentioned sounds concerning. If you want to put your mind to rest go see your dentist :)