View Full Version : setbacks from physical symptoms of anxiety

12-06-17, 16:32
I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks and am being treated with Citalopram and Klonopin daily. This weekend I had a moment of heart palpitations that lasted a few minutes. I could feel my heart skipping. It freaked me out and instead of deep breathing I took a Xanax to calm me down. Now that's ALL I can think about. The palpitations are what started my whole anxiety mess in the first place.

Does this mean my medication is not working? How do you deal with setbacks like this?

12-06-17, 18:20
I believe that everyone has setbacks overall, even those who are consistently lacking feelings of anxiety. I feel that this is especially true for people like us (we deal moreso with physical anxiety) since we feel those sparks of physical anxiety which then snowballs into "regular" anxiety and keeps on going, exacerbating the physical anxiety, and so on and so forth.

My best advice is to take one day at a time, friend. Maybe you had something additional on your mind. Maybe it was just a bad day. Maybe you didn't sleep well and that caused your anxiety.

If it happens consistently, then maybe your medication is pooping out and you need a medication change or a dosage increase. Otherwise, try and manage the anxiety with the current medications, exercise, meditation, etc.

Give my blog a look - www.anxietypress.com

12-06-17, 19:11
I have never been a big fan of medication given the side effects they could have. I would recommend simpler things like meditation or keep a journal. There's something relaxing about being able to vent your anxiety and frustrations about life on paper.

As poppadr3w said, take one day at a time. Live that day to the best you can and, when the next day comes, do the same. It's a steady battle against anxiety where you cannot give up. If one method doesn't work, keep searching. There's a solution for everyone but finding it is one of the numerous challenges you face. I personally find talking about my problems, either with others online or through a video, help me tremendously.

If you feel medication isn't working, find other methods. I'm sure you'll find your answer to your problems. :)

13-06-17, 17:36
Thank you both for replying. Your responses are very helpful. I will take one day at a time and will try not to let yesterday's setback ruin today. I will try my meds for a few more weeks and then go back to the doctor. Physical activity should be my best friend right now, along with meditation!

13-06-17, 21:02
I also find changing mindset slightly also helps. Don't see setback as a failure. Merely see it as a stepping stone you need to move closer to success. I wish you luck! :)

15-06-17, 19:04
My medication (sertraline 100mg once a day) has been working until recently. I started when I was 19 years old and am now 33. I wish I could tell you that there is some magical drug or a magical way to totally eliminate anxiety and panic attacks, but I have found that there isn't. Now with that being said, I went from having a panic attack once a month to every other day now. They vary in intensity with me having to sometimes convince myself not to drive to the emergency room and have an EKG done.

I think what helps me a lot is not dwelling on the panic. I know that it's there. I know that I will never be cured, and so I also know I will definitely have another one. I feel like the mindset I am in when the panic attacks occur are very important because if I haven't been sleeping well or stayed up too late, the panic attack is worse than if I had gone to bed earlier or even ate better that day. I've also found that drinking more water and staying hydrated has helped me respond better to panic attacks.

I guess the trick for me is to not see having a panic attack as a "set back." A set back for me is if I can't control the panic attack and it instead controls me. I hope this helps you !

16-06-17, 17:32
Ok, i'm going to try to now dwell on the panic and to not see it as a failure. I wish I didn't need clonazepam to get me through the day. I wish the Celexa alone was working. I hate having to change medicines, but maybe there's another med out there that will help me. I've tried a few without success. I'm meditating more and am trying to walk more. Unfortunately, I have all the anxiety symptoms- rumination, panic, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc.. It's constant and a struggle to get up every day. I have a 6 year old boy and need to be able to look after him.
Thank you all for your solid advice.