View Full Version : Dizzy/Off Balance Feelings and Headaches

12-06-17, 18:00
For the past two weeks I have been feeling dizzy and off balance intermittently throughout the day. It goes away when I am laying down and doesn't seem to cause any actual balance issues. It feels like I have delayed focus when turning my head and just a real spacey feeling sometimes when walking into a room with people. For the past few days I have also felt some pain around my ears, eyes, temples and base of skull/neck. It hasn't gotten better and I am worried it is something more serious like a brain tumor. I did get in a motorcycle accident 1.5 years ago and first thing that hit was my chin (in a helmet thankfully) so it feels the same as when I did after that accident so not sure if it is related to that injury and stress? I had a CT Scan after the accident and nothing was found....no mass or brain injury. That has helped me a little but since these symptoms have lingered for 2 weeks I am starting to worry.....Darn HA!

12-06-17, 18:39
I've had very similar symptoms (luckily no motorcycle accident for me) before. Being dizzy and off balance is a quite common symptom among people with anxiety, from what I've seen and experienced myself.

I was at my wit's end, just like you. I've had MRI scans, did a Balance Test, my circulation to my head was checked, and more. I've seen a Neurologist, ENTs, and more. Nothing could ever be found. It's weird, because it'll be out of nowhere sometimes that I will have a bunch of dizziness over the course of days or weeks. I distinctly remember last year on the 4th of July going to the hospital because I was SO dizzy that I could often times not walk without having to hold onto something like a railing. I'd never fall, but the uncomfortable sensation was there, that's for sure.

As for pain in the ears, eyes, temples and base of the skull region... well, I am not a doctor by any means, but I've felt many of these (minus the eyes). A lot of tension seems to resonate in the temple area and the base of the skull. Seeing a massage therapist to help release those areas helped me a bit.

12-06-17, 18:52
Thank you for your response. Yes, I just saw a good massage therapist last week and will continue to go each week until this has subsided. I think it may be a combination of the muscle tension in the jaw/neck and anxiety about it all. Doing my best to not focus on it which seems to always make it much worse and last longer.

13-06-17, 00:25
I've had the same pain areas, and eye issues too, and massage helps clear it all up.

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