View Full Version : Scared of being scared

12-06-17, 18:56
Hi everyone 👋🏻

Recently I've been reallly realllly realllly struggling with my anxiety

Not sure how to word what's making it so bad right now but I'll try my best.

Basically I've got an overpowering fear of how quick time goes. I'm almost 27 and it's just gone so quick. And if it goes as quick as it has been I'll be almost 50. Which is more than half a life right???

It's making my anxiety so much worse than usual.

And yes it's because I'm terrified of death. I associate getting older with being closer to die. Obviously it's something I can't stop and it scares me so much.

I feel like with every year that passes it just keeps getting faster.

I can just sit and then the thought pops into my head and I just freeze.

I don't want to feel like this all my life, I don't want to be scared about it all my life.

I fear the unknown and the nothingness after we die.

Aahhhh someone please help me change how I think about all of this. I know everyone dies. But it doesn't make it any easier

12-06-17, 19:06
A year is a year, a month a month, a day a day etc. That's constant and never changes. It only "seems" to go by faster.

When you're a year old, a year of your life is your entire life. As we age, a year is a smaller and smaller fraction of our lives so it only makes sense it goes faster and I can tell you being twice your age, it's really flying by now! When I think that realistically, based on my health issues, I have maybe 10 short years left, it's a bit mind boggling but it certainly doesn't scare me in the least. As long as it's fast and easy I'm good ;)

Positive thoughts

12-06-17, 19:20
Can I ask why it doesn't scare you at all fishman??

I hope when I get to your age I'm a lot less scared than I am right now

12-06-17, 19:30
Can I ask why it doesn't scare you at all fishman??

I hope when I get to your age I'm a lot less scared than I am right now

Because I've faced death and stared in the face several times in the last ten years. I actually died on the table during my 1st heart attack. Having experienced it, it's nothing what I thought. My life didn't flash before my eyes nor did I have thoughts about this or that. For me it was an "This can't be good" moment and bam! Next thing I know I'm waking up. If that's what my end comes to, I'm good with that :)

Positive thoughts

12-06-17, 19:41
See I think that would scare me more. Knowing that there's nothing after??
Hope your health is better now though

12-06-17, 20:16
See I think that would scare me more. Knowing that there's nothing after??
Hope your health is better now though

I just look at it that way. If there's nothing after, you're not going to know anyway right? ;) My health is "stable". I have issues, my wife has issues but we're doing the best we can to enjoy the blessings we do have (read the signature at the bottom of my reply). That's some great advice from a very wise man ;)

And remember... "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

12-06-17, 20:22
I've honestly never seen it like that.... Your replies are always so helpful to anyone you reply to. I've seen a few of your replies on other people's threads.

So if I ever have another "moment" make sure you make me see sense ������