View Full Version : I've lost my nerve

09-05-07, 11:46
I've lost the confidence I had gained. I had made quite a lot of progress second half of last year and this year, and on Friday I had a panic attack.

I hadn't had one for ages, I've felt close to one plenty of times, but not had one for ages. I did cope best I could with it, it did scare me and when I got home and for the rest of the day it had shaken me up.

Ever since that day I've struggled to do what I normally can do. I keep trying with things, but everything is harder again. I've just been in the car with my parents this morning as I thought it might help gain my confidence but I only managed to get half way into town.

Usually I can do more than this. I feel like i'm failing at everything I'm trying to do. I'm really struggling lately.

Heather x

09-05-07, 13:21
Heather this is the same thing that has happened to me and for the past few weeks i have just sat around thinking about it when i should have just made myself keep going out. I'm finding it really hard to get back into things again and wish i hadn't left it so long.

Don't make the same mistake as me as it will only make it harder in the long run!

good luck hun

09-05-07, 13:38
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--04.gif I know how you feel.Iv been pretty good the last 6 months.Im due to go on holday sat and Im getting my self in a state.Sending you a hug.

09-05-07, 14:01
Hi Heather,

You have made some great progress over the last year hun, i have read all your posts and have always been proud of you!:) I myself have had many little setbacks and know how hard it can be to get back on track again.
You keep at it Heather you have proved to yourself that the panic cant hurt you, please try not to dwell on the one bad experience that you had you have beaten it before and im sure you can do it again ,:)

Sending you hugs:hugs: :hugs:


09-05-07, 14:35
hi heather,
sorry to hear what happened to you.It happens to me things going well till you get a good kicking.Try not to over analyse it or beat yourself up about what happened.Think of what you've achieved and not dwell on it too much.You can overcome this as you have done so before.:hugs:

09-05-07, 15:40
Hi Heather

I have also been reading your posts and I think you have been doing brilliantly well.:yesyes:

Even though you had a PA on Friday you still attempted to get to town and getting halfway there is better than not even trying at all. Personally I don't think you're failing as it seems to me you are trying very hard.

Don't beat yourself up hun as this is just a mini set back. We all get them and it can be really difficult to get back on track. Keep on going and you will come out of this set back even stronger......good luck!


09-05-07, 16:04
Hi Heather...
You've been doing SO SO well. Don't let this minor "glitch" stop you from making more progress. Keep telling yourself that you CAN do it - because you have.
I'm in the same position as you. Its hard. I just can't seem to drag myself out of the hole, but you are young, please don't let this illness consume your life for any longer.
I'm thinking of you and sending many positive thoughts your way :)


09-05-07, 17:17
Hello Heather !
I don't view this as a set back - it's all part of your recovery. Its not surprising that panic flashes occasionally as its so very fresh in your memory. BUT - this time you know you WILL recover from it because you've done it before - and this is very fresh in your memory too !! So keep on doing all the good stuff .... and the bad stuff will get less and less.... You're doing great !
Be kind to yourself

09-05-07, 19:45
Hey don't get down over this. Anxiety usually builds up over quite a long period of time until it all comes to a head. As a result it can take a while to shift it again and get rid of all those bloody symptoms.

BUT... you have made great progress. Think of it as a graph with a line that is going diagonally upwards, there may be a few moments when the line flattens out for a brief period, but then continues upwards. You will continue to make great progress.

Take care and keep well.

09-05-07, 21:24
I think managing to go out in the car at all is something. To tell you the truth, I'm too nervous to even drive at the moment mostly due to my shyness and people judging me if I make mistakes if I drive.

The best thing to do is try and do little steps everyday, like gradually driving the car further and more nearer to town. You're certainly not a failure as you had managed to do something.

If you don't make it, it's not the end of the world as quite a number of us have had times when we've been pushed back by high levels of anxiety and not managed to achieve things, or at least not straigtaway.

I wish you all the good luck, and hope it goes well for you.:)

10-05-07, 14:45
Thanks so much everyone for your replies, it really does mean alot.

I'm feeling better today. I haven't completely got back on track yet, but I have been out with my support worker today and I've managed to get into town. I asked her if she could drive straight back, instead of me getting out like I usually would.

And when we got back I did my daily walk, and did much better than yesterday. I still need to work at it, but I'm pleased i've managed those 2 things today. It's a step in the right direction.

Thanks again everyone,
Heather x