View Full Version : Still worrying about Ovarian cancer

12-06-17, 23:55
Hi everyone,

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my fear around this. And it is still here. I went to the doctors 3 times in one week about it because I was having such awful panic attacks. I'm 22 and quite little and have had an eating disorder so the doctor stated that if there was any tumours he would have been able to feel them on my little tummy.

I feel like I have every symptom, bloating and stuff. The doctor said IBS, I say cancer. I now have heartburn and who knew that was a symptom until Mr Google told me?!

They booked me in for a scan for my peace of mind to calm me down but that's freaking me out more that they'll tell me I'm just dying.

I can't cope I really can't it's ruining my life :(

13-06-17, 01:31
I agree w your dr. Have you tried relaxation techniques?
I recommend an app called INSIGHT. they have guided meditations. Try meditating for a week or so.

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13-06-17, 01:38
The worst thing you can so is google symptoms. I have a lump in my arm and my doctors 3 of them told me it was either a hematoma or muscle damage from a head on collision I was in a couple years ago...google told me it's a Sarcoma. I am sure your gyno is right bc you can feel many things during a pelvic exam. My grandmother did have ovarian cancer and she had random spotting with no pain. I have learned to try to trust my doctors.