View Full Version : Question for you guys regarding ultrasound

13-06-17, 01:19
So I thought I was getting a breast infection due to stopping breast feeding a month ago and went to my doctor and then the er. Er did an ultrasound and said lump is just a swollen lymphnode and no biopsy is needed and just follow up with my doctor as they may want to monitor it. My question is why not just order a biopsy if we have to monitor it and would they know a sinister node compared to just a normal swollen one? The er doctor who felt it said it was not abnormally large and very mobile and felt like a node should not like anything sinister. Any help guys?! Should I still be freaking out?

13-06-17, 01:25
Surely the rationale is, why put a patient through an invasive procedure when through monitoring it may soon be resolved?

Many people would be thinking why they don't want a biopsy.

13-06-17, 01:26
I had a breast lump at 25 in 2008 and was told by my surgeon it was nothing but he could tell it bothered be so he sent me for a ultrasound and it was a mass but he told me it was nothing but we removed it anyway. My results came back as fibrous tissue and he told me that it could return and be larger. I would say about 2 years later in 2010 it was back and small and I decided to leave it and watch it bc it was in the same location. I became pregnant in December of 2015 and the lump grew slowly but it was growing....while it was growing I made the awful mistake of using Google and I read about young girls pregnant finding lumps which was cancer and also about your harmones making cancer grow so I freaked out and at my gyno checkup for the 100th time I asked him to check my lump and right then and there he said I'm sending you for a mamogram....and they are doing it today...he assured me it was nothing but made me go bc I was not letting it go. I want for my mamo which 2 days later I found out I had to come back bc of a mass so I went back that day thinking I was dying they did a diagnostic mamogram and was able to see a large mass and walked me over to ultrasound which saw it and told me I needed a biopsy. My gyno sent me over to see my same surgeon I used and let me say I see this surgeon every 6 months for a breast check and have since my first surgery..he keeps a check on them. I went in the room with him and told him about the mamo and he pulled up the hospital records of my reports and said you do not need a biopsy it's fine....I also had a copy of my mamo report which I had used Google...my report said it looked like a fibroadenoma vs a phyllodes tumor and of course I google phyllodes tumor only to find out the can be cancer...I freaked out myself. I told him just to please take it out. I went in for my surgery and had it removed and the doctor said he wasn't cancer but it was as large as a small apple he wouldn't have the report for a few days...I did all this a few weeks before Christmas this year..my surgery was Dec 22 and they made sure to call me the day before Christmas Eve with my results...and it as NOT cancer it was fibrous tissue again. I have learned to just trust my doctor and save my money. They do not want to do test unless they need to. BTW my lump was very large and mobile. It would move when I picked my baby up and put him on that side and even though the mass is gone it caused that breast to be larger than the other one.

13-06-17, 01:34
Having been there done that, wait and see based on normal scans and physical exams is par for the course. IF they deem something suspicious, they will order more tests and if they really suspect something, a biopsy will be done. Here's the thing... When they go to the biopsy, that's when you know something's up.

I went from Hmmmm.. take some antibiotics to Double Hmmmmm.. one more round of stronger antibiotics to FNAB, diagnosis, PET scans, surgeries, treatment blah blah blah...

You're not even to an antibiotic stage and they don't seem concerned at all. I'd take that in a heartbeat! Good for you!

Positive thoughts

13-06-17, 03:17
Thanks everyone! Your replies mean so much! One last question would a radiologist know a sinister node from a normal enlarged one? Also the doctor who felt it said it is very mobile and firm and feels like a lymphnode should... that's reassuring right?!

13-06-17, 03:57
I am sure they would know the difference. My gyno and dsurgeon told me mine was nothing by touch and my friends mom had a breast check by the same gyno and she had a lump that she didn't even feel and he told her that it was very concerning and sent her for a mammo. She had triple negative breast cancer. I wouldn't worry unless it changed or something. I would just do what I did and keep the doctor checking it but if your mind won't let it rest bc I know how that is you could always have it removed.

13-06-17, 04:16
I used to work with a friend who became a radiologist. He went through 4 years of training and spent a lot of that time in work experience.

They are an important part of the diagnostic process and will often spot what a doctor may not through their experience.

They don't just take the pics, they write up a report of their findings which doctors rely on.

13-06-17, 11:18
Thanks again guys!! This site really is the best!

13-06-17, 20:57
So I went to the breast clinic at the university of Michigan and had a tomo mammogram and an ultrasound and was told I have two lymphnodes that are of no concern they appear not abnormally large and healthy. My paper I left with says the images are negative for cancer!!! My doctor even after my er visit wanted me to be seen a thorough ultrasound and luckily it turned out good.

14-06-17, 00:58
Great news!

14-06-17, 01:36
Great news!

Same from me! :yesyes::yahoo:

14-06-17, 02:53