View Full Version : Scared Of Failure

13-06-17, 01:59
I play golf and I am quite good. I compete in big events, however one of the big events has a stupidly early tee off time of 8:15 if you reach the final. I'm not in the final but I can't control my anxiety or panic over this tee off time. I work back shift therefore don't go to bed till around 4 or 5 am. Even when I do I am freaking out over getting enough sleep anyway. I am full of panic about the games leading up to the final, in case I win, and then have to tee off at that time.

I've played in finals before with the same problem, and got through them, however it was difficult.

Any tips on how to control this anxiety?

On top of that, any tips on how to relax while competing at sports, or anything in general?

13-06-17, 08:49
The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters is used by many sports people to tackle psychological pressures. Would it be possible to take annual leave the night before the final? Book it up in advance?