View Full Version : Achy 'spots' all around abdomen

13-06-17, 07:13
I've had this symptom for about a month now. I keep getting dull aches mostly around my belly button. The pain covers such a small area and it's not bad, it's just irritating. When I push down, it is tender but there is no bulge or anything. Also, the pains aren't constant, they come and go. What could this be?

21-06-17, 09:09
Most likely muscle tension causing cramps. I had a similar thing a while ago in the sides of my abdomen (between the ribs and hips) and was worried my internal organs were shredding themselves to pieces, but the GP said it was probably caused by anxiety as I only started getting them when my stress levels went up.

21-06-17, 20:40
Are they located on one side? They might be shingles. Many people get the pain with shingles without much of a rash.