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View Full Version : Something different

13-06-17, 09:43
Hello. I have posted on here a few times and tried to reassure others too. So some of you may know that most of my anxiety is focused around female issues. Long story short, I have been unwell on and off since April: IBS, diverticulitis and, unbelievably, two tummy bugs. At least that's what I think. However, during the last bout, I had some pain around my back above my waist. I stupidly googled and came up with pancreatic cancer!!! I saw my GP last week and she offered to send me for a scan but thought it was referred pain from the diverticulitis so I was pleased to accept this. How now finished my antibiotics and have been feeling back to normal since Sunday but ladt night I had a slight twinge high up in my back and remembered that the google episode had mentioned pain somewhere bra strap would be. I had just had a coughing session and it was only a sensation, not severe pain. I am wondering whether it could be cramp or even strain from coughing, especially as I had been wretching a lot last week with the bug. I have been worrying since then so any thoughts please?