View Full Version : I think I have celiac disease

13-06-17, 14:31
Hi all,

First a little background. For the last six or seven years I've been battling with (among other things) crushing fatigue, horrible irregular cycles and IBS. I've had so many tests but everything has come back negative. Occasionally I'll have to have my thyroid meds increased and often I have an iron, folic acid or B12 deficiency. The symptoms never go away and I've been stuck in a loop of tests for years.

Last October, after a particularly bad UTI, I started getting random hives. And after a bad chest infection in December the now-and-again joint pain I'd been having for over a year or so became constant. Was diagnosed with chronic hives and potential Rheumatoid Arthritis (tested positive for some antibody associated with RA. Still awaiting an appointment to see a specialist)

The anti histamines I was put on kept the hives under control. But I started to get an angry rash all over my body. I thought it was related to the hives... but...

My boyfriend went away for two weeks (he got back just over a week ago). While he was away my parents stayed with me at our house. My diet went from two meals a day (sometimes containing pasta) to many small meals a day mostly containing sandwiches, vinegar or cakes. My meals were things such as breakfast: Bacon sandwich, lunch: Chips with extra malt vinegar, snack: cake of some sort, Dinner: Fish fingers with extra malt vinegar.

With my boyfriend we never have bread or vinegar and very little cake. While my parents were here things got MUCH worse.

The rash became so red and angry. And SO painful. I couldn't sleep for the pain of my skin and my joints. Oh goodness my joints. I lay crying in bed most nights in absolute agony.

Then shortly after he returned I started getting random swelling. Had it in my tongue first but I honestly think that was due to me biting it in the night. After that it was my top lip. And following that I had a lump in my throat. I was put on steroids and had an appointment made at a dermatology clinic

The hives came back (the 'normal' raised hives) but they've cooled down a little now.

And then after being on the hives a day I woke with my mouth in absoute agony. I thought my tongue was swelling. Emergency doc appointment revealed terrible mouth ulcers and a cracking case of thrush, both of which were most likely down to the steroids and were making me feel like I was choking. I'd not had thrush before but I've had mouth ulcers many times... I just didn't know what they were!!

So in tears in the docs office she decides I should be tested for celiac disease due to the skin stuff, joint pain and mouth ulcers.

Prior to this I knew very little about it, only that it involved gluten

After I looked it up I realised I had most symptoms and not only that but my great aunt had it.

The test will take a month to come back. I can't wait that long. I'm at my wits end. I need to know what's wrong with me

13-06-17, 15:28
Hi all,

First a little background. For the last six or seven years I've been battling with (among other things) crushing fatigue, horrible irregular cycles and IBS. I've had so many tests but everything has come back negative. Occasionally I'll have to have my thyroid meds increased and often I have an iron, folic acid or B12 deficiency. The symptoms never go away and I've been stuck in a loop of tests for years.

Last October, after a particularly bad UTI, I started getting random hives. And after a bad chest infection in December the now-and-again joint pain I'd been having for over a year or so became constant. Was diagnosed with chronic hives and potential Rheumatoid Arthritis (tested positive for some antibody associated with RA. Still awaiting an appointment to see a specialist)

The anti histamines I was put on kept the hives under control. But I started to get an angry rash all over my body. I thought it was related to the hives... but...

My boyfriend went away for two weeks (he got back just over a week ago). While he was away my parents stayed with me at our house. My diet went from two meals a day (sometimes containing pasta) to many small meals a day mostly containing sandwiches, vinegar or cakes. My meals were things such as breakfast: Bacon sandwich, lunch: Chips with extra malt vinegar, snack: cake of some sort, Dinner: Fish fingers with extra malt vinegar.

With my boyfriend we never have bread or vinegar and very little cake. While my parents were here things got MUCH worse.

The rash became so red and angry. And SO painful. I couldn't sleep for the pain of my skin and my joints. Oh goodness my joints. I lay crying in bed most nights in absolute agony.

Then shortly after he returned I started getting random swelling. Had it in my tongue first but I honestly think that was due to me biting it in the night. After that it was my top lip. And following that I had a lump in my throat. I was put on steroids and had an appointment made at a dermatology clinic

The hives came back (the 'normal' raised hives) but they've cooled down a little now.

And then after being on the hives a day I woke with my mouth in absoute agony. I thought my tongue was swelling. Emergency doc appointment revealed terrible mouth ulcers and a cracking case of thrush, both of which were most likely down to the steroids and were making me feel like I was choking. I'd not had thrush before but I've had mouth ulcers many times... I just didn't know what they were!!

So in tears in the docs office she decides I should be tested for celiac disease due to the skin stuff, joint pain and mouth ulcers.

Prior to this I knew very little about it, only that it involved gluten

After I looked it up I realised I had most symptoms and not only that but my great aunt had it.

The test will take a month to come back. I can't wait that long. I'm at my wits end. I need to know what's wrong with me

I have Celiac disease. If you get that diagnosis, it's definitely not the end of the world. There are a ton of options out there for gluten free people these days. You'll adapt and keep living life. And probably feel much better. Hopefully it solves all these symptoms you have going on. Good luck!

13-06-17, 15:53
I want the diagnosis more than anything! I've had tests for so many things with no luck!

13-06-17, 16:35
I want the diagnosis more than anything! I've had tests for so many things with no luck!

Let me ask you... if indeed going gluten free and your symptoms resolve, do you really need a diagnosis?

Why not just give it a go and see what happens? It can't hurt. If it works, you diagnosed yourself ;)

Positive thoughts

13-06-17, 18:25
Why do you have to wait a month for the test to come back?

13-06-17, 18:58
Spoke with my doctor and he gave me the go ahead to try gluten free. Went straight to the village supermarket but they had very little. Did buy some really really good gluten free oat cookies though!

Unfortunately the bloods have to be sent to Cardiff hospital as it's the closest one that can actually do the testing. It's super busy!