View Full Version : Scared to get medical tests for uni/how to not let past illnesses scare you?

13-06-17, 17:34
Basically I've had a bunch of little health things happen to me this year, all very annoying but not super serious. I found out I have to get a TB test for uni in order to register and I've been delaying it. It's not almost to the time I have to hand it in but I am paralyzed because I'm scared I'll test positive for TB. I went on holiday a few high incidence TB countries in Eastern Europe and am paranoid I picked TB up. I'm just feeling like based on my past history, this would happen to me.

13-06-17, 17:38
I thought you said in a previous post it was Ukraine...

And saying "knowing my luck..." is always 100% rubbish. There is no such thing as luck. You are no more or less likely for bad things to happen to you than any other human being.

13-06-17, 18:08
sorry, went to both!