View Full Version : Restricting Sights on your iPhone?

13-06-17, 19:44
Hi all,

Does anyone know how to restrict medical websites on your iPhone? I need to stop myself from googling. A month ago, I had a benign eye twitch, then lip quiver and it sent me into a full ALS tailspin and I now feel twitching everywhere (mainly legs - thigh, calves, feet) and I can't stop googling and I want to. Can you restrict google and yahoo search engines? Does anyone know how. I am at the end of my rope and need to get some relief.


13-06-17, 19:47
There are parental control add ones and some browsers have them built in. Get parental controls and have someone you know password protect it and add the sites and keywords to block.

Positive thoughts

13-06-17, 20:01
I know the "sit on your smartphone and Google medical things" trap during spirals, all too well.

The problem with parental controls is they can be easily circumvented if you're determined, and you're never going to be able to put all problem sites on there.

It's not a long term answer, but have you considered replacing your iPhone with a basic, non-Internet phone?

13-06-17, 20:15
Thank you both! I have, but I use my phone for work and need internet access. My long term solution is to develop more self control...I just can't help myself right now :( I'm sure we've all been there. Dr.Google makes things one million times worse!

13-06-17, 20:39
How about therapy?

13-06-17, 21:48
I'm already doing that and just started Lexapro :) I'm trying. One day at a time.