View Full Version : Master`s thesis

13-06-17, 20:16
I am currently preparing my master`s thesis. At the university today I met my mentor and I told her that I need some help, because I am at the beggining of writing my paper and I need some guidelines and help with the topic.
She was really busy and she told me that "from tomorrow on she will be free to help me" but she also suggested me to write her an e-mail to schedule a meeting with her.

I struggle with anxiety and I am a perfectionist so you can tell that I am already anxious about all this.

My question is, when would be best to write her an e-mail? Maybe tomorrow? I don`t want to bother her too much but we have a really good, even I can say a friendly relationship.

Thank you in advance :)

13-06-17, 20:43
I would send an email first thing tomorrow morning, so that your Tutor will see it when she starts work.

13-06-17, 20:50
IMO... you can send that now if you want...

Dear _____

As per our conversation, I'm writing you to set up a meeting to discuss my thesis. There are the times that I'm available or let me know when you'll be available and I'll arrange my schedule to accommodate our meeting.

Something to that account.... Make sure you check a read receipt so you know she saw it.

Positive thoughts

13-06-17, 20:53
On second thoughts, write & send it now:)

13-06-17, 20:58
Sure I will send the e-mail as soon as possible. I will do that tomorrow. I just don`t want to do it right now because I know she had a rough work day today so I don`t want to be rude. I REALLY want to make sure that I am not being too clingy, she is really the best professor I`ve ever had and I want to keep the good relationship.

Thank you for your answers:)

13-06-17, 21:19
Sure I will send the e-mail as soon as possible. I will do that tomorrow. I just don`t want to do it right now because I know she had a rough work day today so I don`t want to be rude. I REALLY want to make sure that I am not being too clingy, she is really the best professor I`ve ever had and I want to keep the good relationship.

Thank you for your answers:)

You're not being rude. On the contrary, you're being courteous and professional in doing so. Your email will not make her day worse. It will show your interest and determination in doing a good job with your assignment.

Add to the email "Thank you for taking a moment of your time to speak with me today. As per our conversation.....

Positive thoughts

13-06-17, 21:25
You're not being rude. On the contrary, you're being courteous and professional in doing so. Your email will not make her day worse. It will show your interest and determination in doing a good job with your assignment.

Add to the email "Thank you for taking a moment of your time to speak with me today. As per our conversation.....

Positive thoughts

Thank you for this. You have really reassured me that I am doing what I should :)
It is already midnight where I am right now, so probably she won`t see the email now.
I will send it first thing in the morning, I already prepared the draft. :)

14-06-17, 07:19
It is already 8AM here, I just sent the email, I am so anxious... I hope everything will turn out good, wish me luck :):unsure: I don`t know why I am overthinking about this so much

15-06-17, 16:34
Oh yesss:D She replied pretty fast, I went to her office and she was so nice and understanding. I am glad to have her as a tutor. :)

Just a quick question, have some of you here prepared a master`s thesis and how often did you communicate with your tutor for help and guidelines? Did you do that mostly per e-mail or face-to-face?