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View Full Version : So scared something is wrong with my son!

13-06-17, 21:10
So as the title says I'm so worried about my son that he has cancer or something he's only 3 but basically he's always poorly .. a month ago we ent to hospital for suspected meningitis he didn't have it but he had a non blanching rash, some other symptoms like sore throats cold , cough, sicked blood basically inflammation markers come back high but he was okay not sure what he had they said maybe viral.. anyway that went away and now he has the same rash, no temp, sore throats and irritable .. took him doctors they weren't sure but said he thinks maybe Scarlett fever I'm soo worried it's not I've googled and it doesn't look like that ... I'm so sure they are missing something he is always unwell & in so so scared ....

13-06-17, 22:40
Hi lms. My 2 younger kids have both had scarlet fever and it was different in each of them so don't stress that it doesn't look like scarlet fever. There is alot of it going around. My 8yo currently has slapped cheek syndrome and it wasn't a classic case of it. As a mum, it's natural for you to worry about your child but a trip to the doctors certainly won't hurt and it will help you be less concerned. Hope your little one is feeling better soon. Xx