View Full Version : Back again!!

13-06-17, 22:31
So I used to use this site a few years ago when I was going through a really bad HA time. I was at the doctors most days, not sleeping, not eating, panic attacks multiple times a day. Long story short, I did CBT and my anxiety improved drastically. I checked in on the site every now and then but generally, I didn't feel the need to anymore. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and it's all come crashing back. The dragon has awoken and is starving!! I've read through my diary from CBT and tried all the methods I was taught to battle this thing yet I'm still constantly on edge. I'm convinced i have a heart condition, it's taking all my strength not to call a doctor. I know what this is and I know I can get the better of it and im petrified of going back down that road again, which is of course making me more anxious.

Anyways, just wanted to say hi everyone and if anyone feels like a chat, hit me up.

14-06-17, 05:00
Hi Lisa,

I remember you from before. I thought I saw you posting on the games threads earlier.

It's great to hear you made advances in recovery. I think it's important to remember that right now because you will have been through the same negative thinking about whether you can get better and you proved it!

Maybe it's raw right now and practicing the techniques will move you back towards recovery slowly? I would be open minded about that and take it day by day.

19-06-18, 17:39
Hi Terry! Sorry about the delayed respone (only a year late!) My anxiety has been ok lately, well as ok as it can be. I have blips but having a chat with myself and grounding myself with whats around me(what i see, smell, hear etc) helps as does controlled breathing. I actually just popped on here as my 18yo daughter has just had her 1st panic attack at work and i want to arm her with the same tools that helped me. Hope you're fighting the good fight and keeping your dragon(s) underfed and in the dark xx

20-06-18, 05:22
Hi Lisa,

Yes, thanks fighting on as ever. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

It must be upsetting to see your daughter experience this but she's got an excellent guide to show her what she can do to stop it turning into more of a problem.

I wish you both well for the future. :flowers: