View Full Version : Heartburn...something worse?

13-06-17, 23:49
So, if you've read my previous posts you know I'm freaking out about ovarian cancer.

I've now had horrible heartburn/acid reflux for two days. Its been burning in my stomach and given me a sore throat, I didn't even know this was a sign of cancer till I googled heartburn and saw it somewhere :(

I don't know how to cope anymore, I am so terrified of it I can't live my life like this anymore. I just want to be okay.

I'm scared of losing everything I have and it's just not okay.

Is this burning sensation anxiety or something else? :(

14-06-17, 01:52
I get heartburn all the time, especially when I'm going through intense anxiety or stress or I eat to much crap food and it can last alllll day. I used to worry about it being my heart but now I try to just remind myself it's heartburn and ride it out. I have omepraxol that I take when it is really bad. I actually have it now (started citalopram a couple of days ago and have been "worrying" intensely about my health anxiety thoughts) and The negative thoughts did pop up but it's a case of just kind of letting it be there and trying to busy myself. I know it's easier said than done!!

Sorry if I'm not much help, I don't know much about cancer, but I'm positive you will be fine babes! And I totally get how you feel. Anxietys great huh ��