View Full Version : Root canal filling?

14-06-17, 00:17
As a worrier, and a massive HA sufferer I'm asking advice about my teeth..
I'm booked in to have a root canal filling.
Being a googler I read some scare mongering reports about these now I'm scared to get one!

What do you think?

Chris 614
14-06-17, 00:52
I have fears of the dentist. I've had many root canals. Just had one two weeks ago. I'm not sure why they get such a bad rap. They don't hurt. Don't read the stuff on the net. People never write about good experiences! It will be fine. Truly.

14-06-17, 01:39
Nah dont worry about it you'll be fine I had 2 root canal fillings on the same day 16 years ago and it was a doddle and than I had another root canal 2 years back and I was amazed how much better dentistry had become in a span of 14 years. I will admit though I found the rubber dam thing they put in the mouth a little uncomfortable not in a painful way at all it was just a tad weird. You'll be fine don't work yourself up.