View Full Version : I have took a beating.

14-06-17, 00:34
So the last few weeks I have took a real beating from my own body and mind. My anxiety just won't settle down. I've tried meditation videos on YouTube. I've tried breathing techniques. I've tried just riding it out but nothing seeems to be giving me any relief at all. I wondered if any of you guys on here had any tips or unusual tips that calm you down and relax you!

14-06-17, 02:12
I have to run. bike or lift weights or do push-ups until my arms die, really exercise hard and burn that adrenaline off....

14-06-17, 02:22
I have to run. bike or lift weights or do push-ups until my arms die, really exercise hard and burn that adrenaline off....

When my adrenaline builds up it always reminds me of that scene in the film Crank where he injects the stuff to keep his heart pumpin and takes waayyyy too much!


"aaarrrghhhhhh" :D