View Full Version : If someone vomits near you can you get sick?

14-06-17, 05:25
I'm so sorry this is a gross question but my anxiety is at an all time HIGH!

I was supposed to meet a boy to talk to him about some basketball games.
He came with is family and I could hear then talking outside, I opened the window - it's high up - maybe a meter and he'd just finished vomiting directly under the window!

I almost vomited myself, would the vomit mist have made it to my nose you think!
I think he'd vomited like literally 20 seconds before I opened the window and I'm so paranoid.
I went out and maintained my distance and they went home again as I told them no point coming in.
But now I feel sick and I'm wondering if I got some vomit up my nose!
Am I being ridiculous or can it happen?
It's super windy too so the vomit mist is probably flying everywhere!:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wac ko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wack o::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::o hmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

14-06-17, 06:33
No, I think you would have to touch the vomit and get it in your eye or mouth to get sick. I have 2 young kids who have vomited a bunch, and as the person responsible for cleaning it up, I am up close and personal w the vomit. LOL. I haven't gotten sick yet from them this way. I have gotten sick from them sneezing on me though. Probably bc sneezes are airborne germs. I don't think vomiting is the same.

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