View Full Version : I messed up :'(

14-06-17, 07:57
So I had swelling in my bottom lip yesterday. Already on sterpids so Dr increases the dose. Stuck around a couple of hours but started to go down about 2/3 hours later and is gone today. Doc even said it wasn't full blown angiodema because the steroids I was already on was keeping it down.

But I was still rattled so I searched th for an angiodema support group to try and find people who knew what I was going through to find support.

Accidentally joined a hereditary angiodema group. Got told my meds won't work and if any of my relatives died young from "allergies". Tried to explain I'd made a mistake but they just kept telling me I may still have it. So now I'm really

Now this morning my throat feels tight. breathing fine but hurts when I swallow. The steroid meds have caused terrible acid reflux, mouth alcers and a cracking case of thrush so don't know if it that or angio.

Seeing derm this morning but I'malready so worked up :'(

14-06-17, 08:17
Well, the good news is that you recognize your mistake. You're no so lost in the anxiety fog that you aren't thinking rational anymore.

You're seeing your derm and that's all you can do. Whatever they tell you, accept it, and move on. Take yourself off that forum if you need to.

14-06-17, 08:51
The NHS says it's rare to even pass it on through genetics. So, I think I will would very way of layman saying otherwise.

Besides, it's under treatment and also responding well.

Interesting that one possible cause is anxiety & stress. Is there no end to what it causes?!!!

Unless you have an ongoing condition you will need to manage, you won't need a support group. Has this only happened once?

And don't forget all forums get trolls & WUM's who prey on people. It could even be that.

Chalk it up to experience. You're safe on here. Mistakes are just how we learn. Trust your GP. Try to reduce your spiked anxiety through whatever you can whether it's exercise, relaxation, distraction, etc and the anxiety will reduce.

14-06-17, 08:58
Thanks guys. The people commenting were legit, but I think they were a bit too enthusiastic.

My doc even said it wasn't full angiodema (the regular kind) because only half my lip is swollen when in full angio the lip is like a balloon.

Been having trouble with hives since last October. Fexofenadine was keeping it under control but I'm the last week it got worse. Have a feeling it may be related to gluten (had test done yesterday) so going to cut that out and see how goes.

The other group I joined was great and exactly what I wanted. It was just people exchanging what works for them and offering support.

Doc is wondering of I might be having a reaction to my sertraline too since I've been on it a decade and started to react to certain brands

14-06-17, 09:15
Ah right, they were just trying to help then. Fair enough. And you've got an ongoing condition to manage so again that's obviously fair you have more relevant help than here.

Perhaps it's a case of not understanding anxiety on their part?

Steroid treatments usually act pretty fast. I used to need them to battle chest infections for my asthma when I was younger. They do come with some side effects but short term treatments mean that will go fast too.

They can kill of the healthy bacteria in our bodies. This can mean things like thrush, GI issues, etc. Adding some healthy bacteria back in can help with this greatly. Just daily yoghurt can help (I'm assuming no food triggers here).

14-06-17, 09:30
Yeah, going to start living off yoghurt I think, haha.

I think the hereditary group were just enthusiastic about having a new member and wanted to help but just too much info and overwhelming me.

The other group was literally things like "do you take your allergy meds in one go or split them up?" Kinds of questions and experiences with new trails and

The steroid meds have worked wonders on my skin. I was covered in almost ulcer like sores all over my hands, feet and body. That has all gone now. I couldn't even walk from the pain.

Currently sitting in dermatology awaiting appointment :)

Beginning to believe pain in throat may be down to acid reflux. It's my lower part of the throat and worse when I swallow. Have been getting heartburn from hell recently too! Was also worse after I woke up this morning

---------- Post added at 09:30 ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 ----------

Could even be the thrush or ulcers too.I thought my tongue was swelling the other morning so went to doc but there was no swelling at all on tongue or throat. I did however have some really nasty ulcers along the back and side of my tongue and a really nasty case of thrush due to steroids

14-06-17, 09:49
It must be a relief, not being able to walk from them sounds really painful. I bet rubbing against clothes was a nightmare too and the heat.

I sympathise with you, my mum has had skin issues since she's been talking blood pressure meds. When they play around with doses she has sometimes been unable to sleep from intense itching. Her legs looked painfully red.

Skin complaints can be pretty infuriating.

I take steroid inhalers and they do come with thrush risks. It's always easily dealt with though.

When my mum had pneumonia she was in hospital on IV and oral antibiotics. These meant terrible runs then constipation. A couple of days with a daily dose of yoghurt and she was much better.

Ulcer break outs from things like this aren't fun. I've had a few from stress in the past and you feel a bit swollen. I had an ulcerated throat from stress once and it was just like when your had swollen nodes from throat infections. Cooling things might he'll a bit.

Good luck with your appointment. You're in safe hands with a dermatologist.

14-06-17, 10:17
Thank you so much Terry. I'm almost crying from the relief you have given me

Consultant has put me on a new cocktail of drugs. He agrees that something isn't right and wants to see me in two months.

As you said, it's just so frustrating. I had eczema really bad as a child but grew out of it. Now this!

14-06-17, 10:32
I'm always glad if anything I ever say can help. I'm just glad you feel a bit better, which is the main thing.

Well that's good news. If he was concerned he wouldn't be waiting that long to check so he obviously expects nothing is going to happen other than this settling down whilst retaining the positives from the new combo.

Hospital appointments worry non anxious people, maybe some of your current anxiety is because of this and now you can settle it back down again?

All the best :flowers:

14-06-17, 10:50
Thanks Terry.

Now found myself in A&E, lol. Wanted my Dr to take a look at my throat but there was triage only today. Convo with receptionist went like this:

Her: Because it's worse you need to go to a&e

Me: Its not worse. I just need someone to take a look at sonething

Her: well it's triage only today so you'll have to go to a&e

feel terrible. I don't need a&e. It's only my anxiety playing pop with me and I don't want to put on the health service.


14-06-17, 10:57
Can you try a walk in centre? Or book for another day?

The A&E doctors will be unhappy, it's this sort of thing they are trying to stop.

My surgery has ceased allowing walk ins in the morning, called Open Surgery, but they seem to be getting people in pretty quick and there's always emergency appointments.

14-06-17, 14:15
Nope. Nothing around. Even want to the outpatients dept but they don't start until 6.30pm. The receptionist there was amazing. Told me it wasn't my fault I'd been sent here.

My anxiety just can't take waiting until tomorrow. I feel like the worst person in the world but I don't have any other option.

It's my first a&e visit and I am annoyed to be here.

I've been having mouth ulcers for ages apparently but I just thought it was swelling from allergies. No one told me otherwise. I went to my doctor two days ago because I thought my tongue was swelling and it hurt to swallow. It was her that revealed horrid mouth ulcers. So now I know what that feels like.

I've only recently started having acid reflux (from iron tabs and now steroids) so no idea what that feels like. I also have no idea what throat swelling feels like. My brain is telling me what is most likely acid reflux is actually angio. I just need to know!

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------

Home again :)

A&e were lovely. No sign of swelling AT ALL so she has me on some type of medicine to limit the amount of stomach acid I produce and having me sit up to sleep

14-06-17, 14:30
feel terrible. I don't need a&e. It's only my anxiety playing pop with me and I don't want to put on the health service.


If you really know it is your anxiety, hold on to that thought for a moment.

When I recognize I have anxiety, sometimes I am able to sort of isolate it, if that makes sense. Tell myself--"no, I am not dying, there is nothing I can do. I will be fine."

I also absolutely require a physical outlet for my anxiety. If I sit in front of the TV or the computer, it just builds. I walk, run, lift weights, take the dogs out. The point is, you recognized the anxiety as just what it is--anxiety.

Hang on to that and know something my councilor taught me "it's just anxiety. Big deal, it won't kill you. It's not comfortable, but it isn't the end of the world."

It sounds trite, but once I acknowledge my anxiety as anxiety, it really seems to lose some of its punch.

15-06-17, 01:37
I'm glad to hear the A&E staff were supportive, I'm sure they mostly always are but you can forgive them for being on the end of failures in local practices.

Making dealing with the thoughts & feelings so that you can learn to tolerate waiting periods will really help you.

Are you having any therapy?

16-06-17, 09:18
Hey :)

Thanks again for your advice both <3

Not having therapy at present. Should probably start though as I am forseeing a tough couple of months!

Had a suggestion as to what could be causing my allergies after a bit of light sleuthing on the internet. Showed my doctor what I found and he agrees.
It's possible I'm allergic to Progesterone.

My doc thought it was something I was taking and thought it might be my sertraline but I am on the Progesterone only pill and my hives get worse just before a period. Woke up yesterday with my eye swollen and a small show and that is what made me look up hives and period.

It's considered a rare disease but from what I have read on forums it might not actually be that rare. Most women diagnosed with it had been misdiagnosed as having chronic hives for years.

Gives me a lot of hope! First step, of course, is coming off the pill.