View Full Version : possible bite or allergen but fear of medicine

14-06-17, 10:37
Hi all,
So today I walked through a grassy field through a path that had been beaten down looking for my friends missing cat.
There were lots of tall grass varieties you know the typical summertime field.

Anyway my hand was starting to get hot and itchy around where I already have a paper cut so think I've either been bitten by an insect or some allergen from the grasses/flowers has irritated the cut.
I got to the town and did some shopping but as it wasn't going away I stopped in at the chemist to ask for advice. She told me to watch that it didn't spread or affect my breathing and advised I take a allergy relief tablet. I got them but now I'm home I'm scared to take the tablet!

Because of possible side effects, dizzyness, drowsiness, stomach pain are all things I get anyway with the anxiety so I think it'd be more worrying to take the tablet!

I don't know what to do :( my hand is actually feeling less itchy now I'm out the heat so I think I'll just do without the meds.

Stupid health anxiety :lac: didn't find the cat either! :(

14-06-17, 10:40
I chug loratadine for hay fever all summer with no ill effects. :shrug: All tablets have rare side effects if you read the leaflet.