View Full Version : Feel like i'm dying

14-06-17, 12:46
So I posted in here a little while ago as, after some long term back pain plus bleeding, I convinced myself that I had cervical cancer. However, after an examination my mind was put at rest but I'm still waiting for a ultrasound. Turns out they booked it 2 weeks ago and no one told me so they are trying to schedule another one.

I'm still having back pain and some days feel pretty headachey and unwell. I just can't shake the feeling that i'm dying, that i'm riddled with tumours and they are spreading everywhere and that if i'd had the scan 2 weeks ago things might be different.

Today I feel really down and weird, it's becoming hard to separate how i'm actually feeling physically and what is just in my head.

I just can't shake this feeling today, it's so hard to work and I just feel so tired and low.

Any help would be appreciated, not sure how I can go on like this.

15-06-17, 17:52
Hi im exactly the same ive got terrible upper back and rib pain had it since november last year and its all just too much. Ive been sent for xrays but didnt attend as im too scared of the outcome. But i had abit of a melt down at work 2 days ago work have told me to take the rest of the week of and ive been to see the doctor and hes arranged another xray and gi en me vallium to take for.2 days before hand to calm me down abit. I just dont understa d how all this lain and loss of appetie can be nothing.. but anyhow im here to talk if needs be. Xx

16-06-17, 21:39
Thank you, that sounds terrible. I understand about being scared of the Xray, i'm terrified of the ultrasound. I'm totally convinced it's cancer of some kind that's spreading, my glands in my neck are all up and i keep getting headaches and feeling really tired.

We really do need to listen to the rational side of our brain though as stress + tension can cause a lot of symptoms including swollen glands, headaches and even backache!

Let me know how things go with the Xray x