View Full Version : Does it ever stop?!

14-06-17, 15:04
So, if anyone has been following my story, I've had severe anxiety/panic disorder for as long as I can remember. It's always been my heart and breathing issues that had always been chalked up to anxiety. My Dad suffered from a massive heart attack on his 60th birthday about two months ago. He's fully recovered and doing amazing. That sent my anxiety into overdrive and I went to my doctor for a full physical. She ordered me a stress test and echo just for my piece of mind. Stress came back 100% normals but echo came back with very mild left ventricular hypertrophy. I went to a cardiologist who said my anxiety caused my high blood pressure, get anxiety under control and all should be good. Anyway, we went to the beach for two weeks for vacation and it was wonderful! Anxiety free! We got home yesterday only to receive a call from my mother with bad news. She found out Friday that she has cancer. It's in her lymphmodes and for sure one of her lungs. She will find out what stage and everything hopefully this week. I'm at my breaking point. Which I thought I hit two months ago. Lowest of my lows.

14-06-17, 15:19
Are you seeing a therapist? I have managed my anxiety with the tools I've learned with CBT. Challenge my thoughts, are they of any value, are they realistic. You said at the beach you were anxiety free. We all have to deal with life, you can be anxiety free, but you will have to work at it and it will raise your blood pressure, so you have to learn to calm down yourself or take medication, its your choice and you're the only one that fight this condition.

14-06-17, 18:19
I have been seeing a counselor every week. But haven't in almost a month since we've been gone. What is CBT? Wonder if this is something that would help me?

14-06-17, 20:50
CBT is cognitive behavior therapy. My therapist tells me you need to challenge your thinking.

Write it down, what is the fact? Your dad had a heart attack at the age of 60-you are not your dad.

What are your thoughts about your dad's heart attack?
You think you will have one?

Reality-You have had everything checked, your fine. Your anxiety raises your blood pressure.

Solution-Exercise, walk, eat healthy, get regular check ups. Get help for your anxiety.

Fact-Your mother has cancer.

Thoughts-She might die.

Reality-You do NOT know until she sees the doctor this week. There is nothing you can do right NOW. People survive cancer every DAY!

All we have is the NOW, even a thought is in the now, it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.

Another thing, challenge your thoughts, do they have any value? Are they keeping you from accomplishing your every day tasks? Of course they are, instead of doing something productive you're sitting around inside your head! Get out of it!

15-06-17, 15:29
I have been seeing a counselor every week. But haven't in almost a month since we've been gone. What is CBT? Wonder if this is something that would help me?

15-06-17, 15:48
I have been seeing a counselor every week. But haven't in almost a month since we've been gone. What is CBT? Wonder if this is something that would help me?

CBT is cognitive behavior therapy. My therapist tells me you need to challenge your thinking.

Write it down, what is the fact? Your dad had a heart attack at the age of 60-you are not your dad.

What are your thoughts about your dad's heart attack?
You think you will have one?

Reality-You have had everything checked, your fine. Your anxiety raises your blood pressure.

Solution-Exercise, walk, eat healthy, get regular check ups. Get help for your anxiety.

Fact-Your mother has cancer.

Thoughts-She might die.

Reality-You do NOT know until she sees the doctor this week. There is nothing you can do right NOW. People survive cancer every DAY!

All we have is the NOW, even a thought is in the now, it's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday.

Another thing, challenge your thoughts, do they have any value? Are they keeping you from accomplishing your every day tasks? Of course they are, instead of doing something productive you're sitting around inside your head! Get out of it!

Positive thoughts

15-06-17, 17:19
Whoops! I'm not to sure why it posted my response twice! Thanks for explaining that to me! I got ahold of my counselor last night and she doesn't have any openings until July 5th 😮