View Full Version : Melanoma

14-06-17, 19:13
Anyone deal with this during pregnancy? My dermatologist is an idiot and refuses to do anything until a few months after the baby is born. Looks like I won't be breastfeeding this time either.

15-06-17, 03:01
Do you have melanoma or just some worrisome spots?

15-06-17, 13:14
Yes. This is all my fault. I never should have gotten pregnant again.

15-06-17, 14:48
Which one are you answering yes to, the melanoma or the spots? If it's spots, then they can easily biopsy those while you are pregnant. With melanoma, that depends on depth, stage, etc. If it's early stage, they can go in and cut out the extra margins while pregnant. When are you due? Pregnancy hormones often create a lot of changes, including on your skin.

15-06-17, 14:52
Yes. This is all my fault. I never should have gotten pregnant again.

I find this so very, very sad :weep: To allow your anxiety to take away the joy of bringing life into the world... I'm truly sorry you're affected to this degree. I hope you find peace...

Positive thoughts

15-06-17, 16:16
Melanoma. I need the excision to stage it but the dermatologist wants to wait until after the baby. I mean, if it's too late then it's too late, but if there's a chance to cut it out and "cure" it, then why are we waiting?

I'm so frustrated because this cancer can cross the placenta. It can also spread like a wildfire if left untreated.

15-06-17, 21:00
How far along are you?

I agree with Fishmanpa, don't let this take away from the absolutely miracle of having a baby.

15-06-17, 21:04
Maybe seek a second opinion. They can biopsy to make sure it is actually melanoma and then come up with a plan. Even if it is melanoma it may not have spread and you can have it removed during pregnancy. Has your derm actually said yes this is melanoma?

16-06-17, 00:05
I'm confused... you can have it removed while pregnant. If it is in fact melanoma they will remove it. Also cancer cannot be passed on through the placenta. Your DNA is a blueprint and any diseases ( apart from communicable) cannot be given to the fetus. Especially cancer as it is not contagious. Could this be a panic attack instead of rational thinking?.. I also do this so I recognise it.

16-06-17, 00:22
Melanoma can pass through the placenta. It's one of the cancers that can indeed pass through it. My dermatologist will not perform the excision because I'm pregnant. It's apparently a liability on a pregnant person, but it must just be this area because I know others that have had it done. I wish this was a panic attack but it's real life and I will find a way to deal with it. I'm just really pissed off because I feel like my hands are tied because this place cares more about avoiding potential lawsuits than actually helping people. It even says online that it's completely safe for pregnant women to be tested.

16-06-17, 00:44
I'm confused --

So you've had a biopsy and it came back as melanoma?

Where is the lesion?

What trimester are you in?

It should not be a problem to perform a wide local excision during pregnancy. Why don't you go to a different dermatologist?

Any melanoma should obviously be removed immediately. Seems like far more of a liability to leave it in place for months than to excise during pregnancy.

16-06-17, 00:50
It's on my back. Third trimester. I've already said that the wait times for other dermatologists are far out--like the fall. I don't know why we are waiting. I don't know. This absolutely sucks and I just don't understand why this place is so far behind with modern medicine. It's not like I'm in a small town. The baby is more important here, but it's almost like they can't read or something. These procedures are safe and I can completely understand why everyone is confused because this makes no sense.

16-06-17, 01:06
You've not actually answered the question. You're saying you have melanoma and your doctor won't treat it due to your pregnancy.

Did they do a biopsy and confirm that this is melanoma? What type of biopsy did they do? What was the result and staging? What did oncology advise? I can understand not doing radiation or chemo but an excision (local anesthesia) would pose no risk. I'm confused too.

Positive thoughts

16-06-17, 01:14
Yes, I've had the biopsy. A punch biopsy. I was not told what stage because I need the excision for that. We need to go deeper than what was cut off. I've said numerous times that it's melanoma so I don't get why I'm being asked over and over again. Melanoma is commonly diagnosed during pregnancy, and it's also able to be staged/possibly treated. The dermatologist I saw will not do it. I don't know why.

I don't have an oncologist. I guess I could call around and find one, but what am I going to say? "Oh hi, I don't know my stage yet. We're just waiting". As I've said, I don't know what to do at this point. Do I find a patient advocate? I'm stressed out. This isn't something that I was expecting to happen, and as someone that's never been through this, I don't know what the hell to do. And yes, I'm angry . But who wouldn't be? It's like the gun is loaded but no one wants to pull the trigger.

Should I contact MFM and ask them for assistance?

16-06-17, 01:56
I am really sorry you are going through this.
Personally, I would call an oncology center and explain the situation. You don't want to go just cutting it out, in case you want to try and locate the sentinel node. I am fairly certain they do that before the WLE (I know this thanks to excessive googling).

I would also talk to your OB and ask for advice and help navigating the system.

16-06-17, 02:39
Being a confirmed melanoma then you really need to get it out asap. As you obviously know there's no waiting with this cancer. This is really strange and disconcerting that you have been treated this way. All doctors usually remove it as soon as it's diagnosed... really weird.

16-06-17, 02:50
really weird.

Yes... my point exactly. How would a comparatively minor surgical procedure to the skin surface jeopardize the baby? Even if further treatment was necessary, how would be removing the bulk of the cancer pose a threat?

I agree with getting a 2nd opinion if this is the case. Contact a CCC (certified cancer center) with your concerns.

Positive thoughts

16-06-17, 14:03
I found a place to do a second opinion but I'll have to travel out of state. The oncology center either isn't open yet or they're just really busy, so maybe I'll just drive up there? I wonder if you can even do that without an appointment?

16-06-17, 14:30
As an aside, a bit of reassurance. I know of three people who had their melanoma simply removed entirely in a WLE, and I know no one who had a progression of disease. While my statistics are anecdotal, the majority of melanomas are quite treatable. It is certainly treatable, and hopefully your travel out of state will get it squared away.

It is a sad day we live in when liability trumps medical reasoning. Keep us updated and try to stay positive, as hard as that can be.

16-06-17, 15:01
Yes I would definitely find a derm or oncologist who will do it, even if you have a travel a bit. There is no good reason they can't do a WLE on a pregnant woman.

16-06-17, 21:13
I agree you should travel if that's what it takes.

My dad had a melanoma removed in February. They got it all. My derm told me that when people get into trouble with melanoma it's usually because they've been ignoring something nasty looking for a long time.

17-06-17, 00:10
Yes, I'm perfectly fine with traveling. I just hope my blood pressure lowers. Ever since I found out, I've literally not been able to bring it down.

17-06-17, 02:23
Please keep us posted, marbles! I am rooting for you!

17-06-17, 03:58
I understand about the BP, mine shoots up when I'm anxious. Just try to listen to soothing music and do a lot of deep breathing. It may take the edge off even if it doesn't take your anxiety away.